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Once upon a time, in a small town called Sunnyville, there lived a young boy named Nick. Nick was a curious and adventurous kid, always finding joy in the simplest things. But he had a secret that made him different from other children. Nick loved wearing diapers.
Since he was a little baby, Nick had always felt comforted by the sensation of wearing a diaper. It made him feel secure and cozy, like he was being hugged all day long. As he grew older, his love for diapers never faded. In fact, it became stronger and stronger.
One sunny day, when Nick turned eleven, he mustered up the courage to explore his secret desire. With his allowance money in his hand, he went to the store, pretending to be interested in toys and candy. He discreetly made his way to the baby aisle and carefully picked out a pack of diapers.
Back home, excitement filled Nick's heart as he put on his first diaper. As the soft fabric embraced him, he couldn't resist the temptation to let go. He took a deep breath and, with a giggle, released a tiny bit of pee into his diaper. Nick's face beamed with delight as a warm and comforting feeling washed over him.
But soon, the excitement of wearing a wet diaper wasn't enough for Nick. Curiosity got the best of him, and he wondered how it would feel if he did something more than just pee in it. He hesitated for a moment, then, with a mischievous smile, he decided to give it a try.
As he filled his diaper with a little... well, you know, Nick's eyes widened in both surprise and joy. He couldn't believe how amazing it felt. It was like having his very own portable toilet!

From that day on, Nick made up his mind to wear diapers all the time.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Nick wore diapers 24/7. He became completely unpotty trained, forgetting how to use the toilet altogether. His family and friends grew concerned, but Nick was too captivated by his newfound love to listen.
As years passed by, Nick's passion for diapers remained unwavering. He went through school and faced many challenges, often enduring teasing from his classmates. But he discovered strength in the things that made him unique. Nick embraced who he was, no matter what others said.
Nick's loving parents, worried about his well-being, encouraged him to try using the potty again. But Nick politely declined, wishing to continue his diaper-wearing journey. He carried on, finding joy in the simple pleasures life had to offer.
Eventually, Nick reached old age. He had worn diapers for eighty years, and his love for them had never faltered. Surrounded by loved ones, Nick peacefully passed away, his memory forever imprinted in the hearts of those who knew him.

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