Chemical Love

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HELLO my fangirlies and boyies I'm a little stuck with 'Tcest Love Story' at the moment so I'm trying this. hope you like it. Not one of my favorite pairings but I get to take a jab at April so win-win set in the 2012 series.
It was a rather normal day in the turtle's lair. And by that I mean that Mikey was irritating the shell out of Raph, Leo was watching 'Space Hereos', and Splinter was in the dojo with April.(*cough cough bitch cough cough*)Where was Donnie you ask he was currently in his lab getting frustrated with his newest project. "Come on come on work for me this time." He vented as he connected two wires only to have it blow up leaving soot all over his face. Taking off his goggles he pinched the bridge between his eyes leting out a uncharacteristic growl. "Hey Donnie you okay." Someone asked from the lab door. Turning around in his spiny chair,(*WHEEE*), he saw it was his mate Leo. Acknowledging his mate with a indistinguishable noise he turned back to his project. Rolling his eyes Leo walked up behind him. "Donnie come on and take a break you've been working on that project for days." "Come on Leo I'm so close I know it." "Now Donnie you work to much you're taking a break." "I can't I need to keep working on this." Ok now he was getting tired of this, so he decides to take a different approach. "Oh Donnie." He purred. Sighing Don turned around to face Leo, "Yes Le-oooff." Donnie grunted as Leo launched himself into Donnie's lap sending them back into Donnie's work desk. Donnie gripped his mate's waist and looked at him in surprise. Leo stared back lacing his arms around Donnie's neck and placing his legs over the side of the chair. "I told you, you work to much and need a break." Taking his hand he wiped the soot away from Donnie's face before reaching up and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "You've even been sleeping in here, I miss you at night." Donnie looked down at his mate. "I'm sorry sweetie and you're right ,as usual, a few minutes wouldn't hurt." Leo giggled as his mate bent down attacked his lips. They stayed like that for who knows how long kissing passionately only pulling away to breathe every so often. Both were completely unaware of the rest of the world until, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE." Pulling away from each other both turtles looked towards the door to see April. "Oh hey April." Donnie said turning his attention back to Leo nuzzling the top of his head. "Uhh Donnie what are you doing?" April questioned. "I'm trying to spend time with my mate so if you wouldn't mind leaving please." Donnie said attention still on Leo as the leaf green terrapin pecked along the underside of Donnie's jaw. "Mate.....WHAT THE HECK DONNIE I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME." "What's with all the yelling?" All three looked over to the still open door to see the other two turtles and Splinter. "April's having a bit of a melt down I think." Leo offered kind of confused along with everyone else. April whirled around and looked at Leo with a murderous look in her eyes,"SHUT IT YOU BLUE EYED SKANK,"she yelled making Leo scoot closer into Donnie. "HEY, careful what you say about my brother red." Warned Raph as he glared at April he may fight with Leo, but he was exceptionally protective of his older brother. "No I liked Donnie first." Donnie was getting mad at April one for calling Leo, his mate, a skank, but for also for trying to claim him now after she tortured him by playing with his heart. When later on it had been Leo who came and picked up the pieces of his shattered love life. "Well April seeing as your causing a bit of scene I think we'll leave." Saying this he stood up Leo in his arms bridal style(*being as freakin tall as he is*)he walked out of the lab and to his room Leo kissing his cheek all the way. April looked after them and then turned to Master Splinter. "Master Splinter you can not be okay with that." "On the contrary April I gave them my blessing long ago." Master Splinter replied as he went back to the dojo. "Well how about you guys?" She said looking at Raph and Mikey. "I say that wasn't cool dudette." Mikey said walking away. "Raph?" "I say you might want to leave April before someone breaks a nose and let me remind you you're the only one that has one." After that sentence April bolted from the lair and Raph went back to his own room unaware of being watched. Donnie closed the door fully. "So they kick her out?" Leo asked from Donnie's bed. Donnie went over to his bed, "Yep and that means alone time." With that being said Donnie climbed on top of Leo, bending down for a hard kiss. After being released Leo looked up at Don, "I love you Donnie." "I love you to Leo."
Ugh this turned out awful I wanted more brutality with April when she found them making out but here give me feedback and constructive criticism please
Peace Out......
Love Stuff........
& Never Be Afraid To Fangirl(boy).........

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