Chapter 2 It runs in the family

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-I think you should break up with him.- said Ben after hearing the story about Marvin laying on the floor in Zoella's room. 

-I don't know... he just needs help.- girl sighed and rested head on her hand. Lunch in front of her has remained untouched since she sat down on the bench outside of the school. 

-Oh, please.- smirked boy sitting in the opposite of her- Don't be so naive. You can't fix someone just because you have good intentions. He clearly doesn't deserve you. -he sneaked his hand to hold hers but as he was about to reach it, she moved nervously. -I can't let him overdose, Ben.- she scolded him with a glare.- I should do something.

-Like what?- Ben chose to ignore this weird situation with his hand and tried to keep the conversation neutral. Marvin was acting strange and very immature but Zoella could find an excuse for every bad thing he's done. It was slightly annoying.

-I don't know, anything.

-Why don't I come over today for support while you're breaking up with him?- suggested Ben. His eyes were gently touching her skin with pure admiration. He craved her safety.

-Ben... I know you want to help but this seems a little over the top, you know.- 

She desperately wanted her first relationship to work. She used to beg for his attention and now it appears she's doing the exact same thing but in slightly different circumstances.

-Okay, okay. I will give you some time. - agreed Ben even though he wasn't really willing to do so. He couldn't scare her off. Not after he had lost so many important people in his life. The fire took one of his friends and the rest moved out of the town afraid of the high crime rate. The arsonist was nowhere to be found which only made things worse. The city became deserted. Notwithstanding, Ben's mom was too stubborn to find a new place to live. She stayed there but he moved out with his father. He didn't like talking about this subject, though. Whenever asked, he would simply say that he doesn't remember much from the event or that he didn't like people there anyway. He was a very private person. But not when it comes to Zoey. They connected very easily. In fact, Ben used to be suspicious of how easy it was and how comfortable he felt around this woman. Fortunately for him she was the first one to share her secrets and didn't expect him to do the same. She was patient. She let their friendship develop over time. It put Ben's mind at ease. He had trust issues and she seemed to understand that. It was a little soon to say the word soulmates but Ben knew it would come out eventually.

-Im going to the library after school.- said Zoella.- I was hoping you would come with me.

-Why? You think there's gonna be a giant worm between books who wants to eat your soul and you want me to knock him down?- he mocked her.

Zoey pursed her dark eyes at him and flipped her hair to the other side, implying that it was highly inappropriate thing to say.

-I'll go with you.- he cackled and leaned towards her. - Danger lurks around every corner, right?- his hand smirked and tucked a strand of her hair behind the ear.

-You're a jackass!- she edged him away.- You know it's important to me. Have you never been in a situation when there was a secret in your family?

-Well, if I ever were in such I'd probably ignore this. It's just gossip, you know. Bored inhabitants always find some sensation to stoke.

• • •

-Finally done.- said Mickey proudly. His back cracked as he bent down to stretch his muscles a bit and got up from the desk. It was 4 pm, the sun was starting to get more golden, kids should be home any minute. 

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