Chapter 4 (Un)lucky night

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Zoella looked in the mirror. Her makeup still looked stunning. Maybe because she only does her eyelashes. She doesn't like being plastic and fake. Never having mom, she wasn't introduced to make up properly so she didn't even know such a thing existed until high school. She was scared to get bullied for not knowing anything so she decided to start using mascara. That way she felt more accepted. It didn't, however, protect her from mean comments. They weren't about her appearance, though. Everybody saw she was beautiful. And maybe out of jealousy, or being undereducated, they chose different subject for bullying. Her parents. Obviously, the whole world couldn't be tolerant but how is it even possible to fit so many homophobes in one building? She cared at first, but one thing her dads did perfectly was to teach her how to stand up for herself. They were both confident people so she weren't different. She set the rude peers upright one afternoon when they directed another obnoxious remark in her direction. She fought back with a very unkind, firm response. They shut up then. She repeated this a few more times with other students, so not seeing the fun in it anymore, they abandoned the harassment. Looking in the mirror, sometimes she thought about it. It always made her proud of the accomplishment. For the outfit, she chose a black top with a graffiti-like print and blue jeans which were almost to her knees and a black belt with metallic holes in random places. Her style had two sides: one feminine and subtle, the other one that looked more like a rock star or a skater. She dressed accordingly to her mood. And today, she was feeling down to the extreme, so the clothes she wore reflected that. Various voices came from behind the door, although Amelia's high-pitched and cheerful one was mostly heard. Surely the guests had already arrived. The shower took her longer than she expected. But that's okay. Nothing lost. She took a deep breath in and out, looking at her reflection. You got this, she thought and pressed the door handle. She was right. Guests have arrived and they were already roaming around the apartment. Jacob noticed her and approached immediately, holding hands with a blonde girl. Zoella gave him a hug.

-This is my girlfriend, Coraline.- he said, nodding his head towards her.

-Hi, I'm Zoey, nice to meet you.- they shook hands.

The girl wasn't as ugly as Zoella thought she'd be. She was not prejudiced against her, it just worked out somehow. Nevertheless, dress in light blue looked good on her. Together, with Jacob, they looked like clouds on the sky, cause he was wearing a white, half unbuttoned shirt. From the terrace, another blonde woman entered the house, this time with slightly longer hair. She was dressed in a top, or is it just a bra? Well, something in between. It was white and puffy. There was also a light pink skirt flared at the bottom and clinging at the top. It made her look like an angel. She approached the three of them and Zoella could finally see her more clearly. The girl was mesmerizing. She had delicate facial features and rosy cheeks. How can a human being be so adorable?

-And this is Melanie.- Jacob stepped back, allowing her to pass.


• • •

-Since no one seemed to be interested in it, I'm gonna occupy the role of the DJ of this party.- Amy raised her voice. She was probably imagining she's speaking through a megaphone. -Everybody needs to have fun tonight. Music will rock your world and tonight's activities are non negotiable. Because I planned them all. So yes, you will have the best night of your life!

She was standing next to the big speakers, in the living room. All the guests and Zoella were looking directly at her, some giggling a little.
The party had started 40 minutes ago and at one point Ben showed up, which seemed to really surprise Zoey. But obviously, she let him in and he joined the game that Amy forced everyone to play. It was her favorite- jenga. For the majority of the night, the girl was acting like a host even though it wasn't even her house. However, Zoella didn't mind it at all. It helped her regain some social energy which she had lost after an eventful evening. She still hasn't told anyone about it. Some battles have to be fought in silence. She was convinced, this was one of them. People were having fun, laughing and cheering each other. Owner of the house was finally at peace.

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