The glimmer of happiness

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Without my novel, I became depressed. As you know I had gotten out of one tough situation but  got into another. Honestly? It felt way worse to have all the material things but lack of love from my partner than nothing to fill my stomach. Why would he threaten me like that? Was he serious or was it just emotional talking? I soon unraveled the answer to that question.

In May there was a neighbour which had just moved in next to us. I thought that, having nothing to lose, since I literally lost everything that ever meant to me anything, I could go and welcome him. I spent all morning in the kitchen, baking an apple pie. It had to be perfect. I put it in a nice basket, covered it with flowers and knocked on the door. After half a minute of silence I thought there was no one home, so I turned around. That's when I heard the lock and the door being opened. I looked at the young man with disheveled brown hair, whose face suggested something was concerning him.

-Who are you?- he asked, looking around sheepishly. 

-I'm your neighbour, Rosaline Trebleneck. - I replied, streching my right hand in his direction.

He glanced at me like I was crazy or something and pulled me inside. He then locked the door again and looked through the window. 

-What's going on?- I asked, puzzled by his behaviour. 

The man had turned to the mirror and fixed his hair before he approached me cautiosly.

-Why are you here?

-I saw you have just moved in and wanted to welcome you. As you can see you're actually our first neighbour. - I smiled. 

He nodded, with his eyes glued down for a while. 

-I'm Bart. -he introduced himself eventually. -Nice to meet you. 

-You too. I made you an apple pie. - I put the basket on the table, next to me. It seemed a bit dirty but I figured he probably didn't have time to clean there yet. 

-Whoa!- he exclaimed. -Carefull with that. What do you have in there?

-I just told you, an apple pie. 

Is he dumb or something?

 The man took out the flowers and peeked inside. He appeared astonished seeing the mentioned apple pie. 

-So you just baked an apple pie to give it to a stranger?

-I mean, well... you're not a stranger anymore, so... -I grinned like a dumbass cause he had me at that one. 

-Thank you. This is weird but actually really nice. -he glanced at me and smiled for the first time. It boosted my mood to make someone happier. 

-I'd treat you with a tea or something but I don't have much in here, because, you know, I have just moved in. 

-I get it, thank you anyways. 

Why am I thanking him?

He nodded politely and we just stared at each other for a while.

-I should go... I think.- I said abruptly.

-Yeah, okay. - he pursed his lips.

-Um.. so will you?- I pointed at the door. 

-Oh, yeah. Right. -he perked up and I think he was blushing a little but I'm not quite sure since it was twilight in the house. He came to the door and unlocked it.

-I'm gonna see you around, right?- I smiled at him. 

-Yeah...- he put his left hand inside the trousers and waved awkwardly with the other. -See you! 

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