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TW: Abuse, mentions of abuse, fear of the dark, panic attack,
Roman POV

We walked into our cabin and immediately were greeted by a very much enthusiastic roommate-
"Hi! Welcome kiddos! Is it your first year at summer camp? We have the same people in the cabin every year but we saw new names on the list! I don't recognize you! Are you Roman and Remus? It's nice to meet you!" He exclaimed.

"...this one must be the one called Virgin."
Remus snickered. I wacked his shoulder.

The boy looked at us confused. "Well, I am Patton Harper!! Let me introduce you to the others!" Patton. Oh my god we're immediately BFFs. I mean, how could we not be? He's a ball of sunshine!

Patton dragged us over to meet others.
First we met Logan Berry. He greeted us with a "salutations" which automatically screamed nerd to me. Except I didn't say it out loud.. Remus did.
It didn't bother Logan though, it seemed to make him more proud in himself, adjusting his tie and holding his head high. Good for him, honestly.

Then we were introduced to Janus Duncan.
He looked quite mysterious, but didn't give off bad vibes. Just a little mischievous. He wore a yellow beanie. I wonder what happened to his face though?
I looked over at Remus, expecting him to be thinking the same thing. Nope, for the first time in my life I saw Remus making googly eyes at someone. Gross, these two are definitely gonna be all over each other by the end of this.

Then we were introduced to Virgil Smith.

Or according to Remus, "Virgin"

Now I'm the one making googly eyes...
Wait, no! Stop that Roman! Maybe it's just how tall and intimidating he is that's really.. attractive to me?
Anygay- Anyways..

"Sup, I'm Virgil just call me Virge." He said with a voice that was incredibly deep. Oh god.
Virge, okay.

Collecting these peoples names like Pokémon.
We sat our stuff down and unpacked.

There were three bunk beds. Remus and I took the one on the far left, Janus and Virgil shared the one in the middle, Patton and Logan shared the one on the right.
I beat Remus to the top bunk, sticking my tongue out at him when I did.
He flipped me off rolling his eyes.

Apparently Patton is the innocent one, because when he did that, the other three covered his eyes. Good luck you guys, my brother is not family friendly.

I think he gets it from dad. But never will I compare him to dad. No.

After we unpacked we were all called outside by Camerone. It was already sunset, it was quite pretty.
Camerone told us about how camp worked, although I'm pretty sure it was just to update Remus and I, since the others have been going here for a few years.  Then we all sat down around the campfire as other cabins made their way over to the campfire as well. Of course Roxy and River came to sit with us.
"Roman you should see our counselor, she's hot!" Roxy said.
"Agreed!" River added.

Camerone looked at them. "She's also taken, your counselor is my sister, and she has a girlfriend." He laughed.

"DANG IT, I COULD OF GOTTEN ME A HOT SCENE GIRL" River shouted a little too loudly.
"Suck it up Riv, she's probably too old for you even if she was single." Roxy flicked him.
An hour passes by, we had told a few stories around the campfire, and ate s'mores, typical camp things.
Then we went back to our cabins to shower and get ready for bed. I took one last, knowing I take long ones.

After I got out of the shower though, all the lights were out. Everyone was in bed.
This wouldn't be a problem.
If I weren't so scared of the dark. You don't know what lurks in the darkness. Monsters. People waiting to rob you. Your dad standing there with a metal pipe, to beat you with...
In the dark.

"No! Please!"
"Misbehaving children can't plead their way out of punishment. You do something wrong, you face consequences."
All I did was drop a plate..

I tried making my way through the dark, but memories were hitting me hard. I always have a nightlight. Seems childish, but it's better than having a panic attack.

But there was no nightlight.

I broke down into tears dropping to the floor. I saw a figure hover over me. Please no. God no, not now. Go away!

I'm sorry.
The figure dropped down onto the floor with me and a light shined in my face. I looked and let my vision clear up. It was a phone screen. And there was...
"Hey, are you okay dude? Panic attacks are sucky, try to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8, okay?" Virgil..

I did as he said and repeated until my breathing became more stabilized.
"..thank you." I hugged him without thinking.

"Of course, I wasn't sleeping anyway, I was reading tumblr posts. You should get in bed, you need a light to guide you?"
I nodded and he guided me into bed.

Maybe the dark isn't so bad when you've got someone to lead the way.

A/N 880 words excluding authors note.
I'm having genuine fun writing this, I hope you guys enjoy it too! Love ya, take care <3

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