my future

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Jordan had lost everything. First Wes, then her dad, and now Colton.

So as she hides in the cramped bathroom of a house that has now belonged to two serial killers, she thinks about how much easier it would be to give up. Richie, or Amber, would come find her in a few minutes and she would end up just like her brother. She's in no shape to run, let alone attack an armed killer.

She could hear the sounds of screams and panic downstairs but they seemed to blur together into an endless stream of noise.

Then, a loud crash, this time within the bedroom. Jordan covers her mouth to avoid screaming as the bathroom door flies open, revealing Tara.

Jordan flies into her arms.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were dead!" Tara whispers. "We have to go, now."

"Wait. Richie's the other killer. He has Sidney and your sister downstairs," Jordan explains, "He's fucking dating Amber," Tara looks disgusted.

"What the fuck is wrong with these Stab fans?" Jordan can't help but smile until Tara notices the body behind her. "Holy fuck, Jordan, I'm so sorry." She shakes her head,

"Let's just get out of here alive. I can process my grief later." Tara helps her off of the floor and Jordan wraps her injured leg with toilet paper, forming a makeshift bandage.

They rely on each other, both limping. Yet they stop at the top of the stairs, listening for the perfect moment.

"I can't find her!" Amber calls, talking about Tara. Slowly they make their way closer, grabbing Tara's discarded crutch along the way and ducking into the hallway.

"I have an idea," Jordan whispers and she dials Amber's house phone. She can hear it ringing in the kitchen.

"That's for you," Sam taunts. Jordan and Tara both sigh in relief, she's still alive.

Richie mutters something about Tara being a pin cushion and the girls ready to attack.

"You go after Amber, I'll head to the kitchen and try to rescue Sam and Sidney," Jordan suggests and Tara shakes her head.

"Fuck no! You can't take him down by yourself! I'll go after Amber and then we both head to the kitchen, okay?" Jordan nods, realizing she's still not in any shape to run.

"Amber? Fan out! She couldn't have gotten far!" Richie yells and Amber heads down the hallway.

"I can't find her-" Tara jumps out and cuts her off by hitting her in the face with the crutch. Once Amber's on the ground, Tara keeps hitting her to keep her down. Jordan starts to slide towards the kitchen to get a better look when a gun goes off.

One shot. Then another. Jordan crawls away, heading towards the front door. Sam comes sprinting towards her but Jordan comes up with a plan.

"Hide. Find a weapon and hide!" She whispers before limping upstairs as fast as she can, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. She quietly opens the closet door and shuts it behind her, waiting.

Sure enough, a few minutes go by and she can hear Richie's taunts. He thinks she's Sam, just like Jordan wanted. Yet as he goes to open the door, knife in hand, Jordan throws it open and slams him against the balcony. The knife gets tossed onto the main level. "Grab it Sam! Grab it!" Jordan screams, clinging onto Richie's back.

He backs up and throws her against the opposite wall but she hangs on. He keeps slamming her against the door over and over but she just wraps her hands around his throat.

"Stop. Ruining. My. Ending!" He screams with each push. But eventually Jordan manages to tackle him.

They both fall to the floor but Jordan gets up and limps down the stairs, Richie following quickly behid her.

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