𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ ⋆OUT OF TIME

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The pain wouldn't stop. It spread like a disease and I couldn't bare it. The pain spread down to my legs and fingers. I fell to the ground screaming.



The lights started flickering and the room started shaking uncontrollably. Something bad is coming. I can feel it.

I got up, disregarding the pain, and ran to the bathroom. My eyes were bloodshot red with trickles of blood dripping from them. After staring at myself in the mirror, the shaking stopped and the pain was gone. Something weird is happening.

"(y/n) what's going on hun? Can you open the door?" I hear Beth calling from the other side of the locked door.

"I think i'm going to stay in here for a minute!"

I need a moment to recollect myself.


I have no idea what happened with (y/n). One moment she was fine then another she was screaming in agony. She had locked herself in the bathroom. She needs space but after what had just happened, I need to see that she's okay.

"(y/n), can you let me in?"

I hear her soft whimpers but she managed to unlock the bathroom door.

I walk in and her face was covered in blood, sweat, and tears. I'm not understanding this.

"Jesus! What happened (y/n)?"

"I don't know! It felt like something took over my body. Like I was just ripped out of my body and replaced by another person. It was horrible Danny. My eyes were bleeding and-"

"I'm so sorry." I pulled her into a hug before she panicked again. I need to calm her down but if I was in her shoes, I would freak out as well. That's something a person should never have to experience.

The room was filled with silence and soft whimpers. We just need to clean her up and get her to bed.

As I was about to get her up, we heard multiple screams coming from the kitchen. (y/n) and I quickly ran out to see what was going on and I saw my mom. She was pale and sweaty. Her ankles and wrists were slashed open, but she had no reaction. She started crying on the floor before she spoke her last words.

"Don't let it take my babies. (y/n) is already out of time."

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