𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ ⋆FOREVER

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"Shut the door!" I scream while being held in Danny's arms.

Beth did exactly what I said. She quickly ran towards the front door and quickly locked it. Once it's locked we all stand in front of it watching. All we can hear is distinct, shaky breathing, and pounding coming from the other side of the door.

A few minutes pass since the sounds of death ended on the other side of the door. I walk myself to the couch. I can't wrap my head around this.

Danny and Bridge walk in with stressed looks.

"Don't you think Mom looks like one of the people in that book?" Bridget is pissed, but I don't blame her.

Danny stays silent.

"Answer me Danny! You never should've stolen it."

Danny turns to face Bridge and he is just crying. "This isn't my fault." He managed to stutter out.

"This is!"

Bridget starts shoving and pushing him. They both start to get into a brutal fight to the point Kass and I had to pull them apart.

"Guys stop! This isn't anybody's fault!" I yell.

"Danny come with me."

I pull him into his bedroom to talk. I know we are going to die but things need to be set straight.

"Danny, she's right. The book you stole is definitely connected."

"I'm sorry (y/n). She's right, this is my fault."

He starts to cry. I hate seeing him like this.

"Danny." I pull him into a comforting hug.

He hugs back tightly. This hug felt like it lasted minutes. I want it to last forever though.

We pull back and look at each other with a sweet tone. He looks at me in a way I have never seen before.

My first kiss with him can't happen like this though. If that is what's happening.

I decided to change the subject so we can make a plan. "Ok, maybe there is a clue in the record that can help us stop this."


"-We need to listen to it again to see! Maybe it says something-"

"(y/n)!" Danny repeated.


Before I know it, my rambling came to an end when he pulled my face close to his and kissed me. I was caught off guard and i'm not even mad about it.

Our lips move together in sync. He is holding me close as I cup his face. He is still teary eyed from earlier but I could tell this calmed him. We pull away from each other, rub our noses together, and touch foreheads.

"I'm sorry (y/n). So sorry."

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