A World for Women Part 6

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        Peter looked out the window of the massive craft seeing the land below . A massive statue among a rubble of buildings stood out beneath the clouds. A woman with a crown holding a massive torch. "It must be a pagan go of the ancient world huh mother?" Natalya laughed and shook her head . "No, my dear that's the ancient statue of liberty . It used to mean something back when people lived here. Priscilla was sleeping with her head in Natalya's lap dreaming of how beautiful the world would be once they landed. The loudspeaker made an announcement as the craft began to descend to the earth below. The rubble and trench lines below were a scene of chaos. Many women and children took refuge in the city behind them attempting to grow food and survive amongst the  hellscape of the world. Natalya's job seemed simple to bring much needed supplies around the destroyed world and to help bolster defenses from rogue post war elements. With men gone much of the world was peaceful only mutated animals and ai equipment remaining. 

        As the soldiers began offloading supplies a Bishop approached the deck. Who are you people and why are you heathens offloading boxes near the church! Priscilla rushed up to him yelling" You are in the presence of a Saint and high ranking official of the Holy See. Natalya Prescott and her family show respect before a servant of the Blessed Aloysius! The Bishops blue flamed eyelids closed as he bowed with respect. "Forgive me my lady it is not often someone comes to help the rubble of York" Ofcourse, your eminence Natalya remarked as she shook his hand. We are merely here to give out supplies and offer a few defensive materials for your walls. We also seek to preserve any knowledge you cannot and take them to the safety of the Holy Sepulcher. Just then a loud scream was heard as a woman was seen running towards the walls of New York. The Cathedral had a large scope from which soldiers could look down and see the ruined terrain. A young blonde woman clutching a baby was running from here life from a bunch of wild dogs and sentient AI war machines. Natalya began to zone out her instincts kicked in as she stole a technical an began to drive towards the gate.

 Several soldiers took position as they engaged the wild dogs and assisted the woman and child. Natalya wrecked a vehicle into one of the AI Humvee and began to engage the other vehicles. She directed the soldiers to cover her as she positioned herself behind the wreckage and began to take out the other vehicles with a portable missile launcher. The older vehicles had been wandering for to long and began to run out of ammunition and run amok. The people were surprised and amazed at Natalya's quick thinking an cheered her on as she mowed down the remaining machines. Priscilla was less thrilled and began to scold her. " Hey stop being so wreck less. Crashing a car you could have gotten yourself hurt. Natalya kissed her on the cheek and said don't worry about me nun I'm a soldier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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