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Zacks pov:

It hurts
It hurts
IT hurts



"Get out the car freak!" my mother yells

I looked out the window to see we had pulled up to a run down building. I struggled to open the car door because of my burnt, blistering hands that were loosely wrapped with bandages. She loses her patience and violently opens the car door and pulls me out. "You fucking idiot!" She said dragging me towards the buildings door step. She stops at the door and lets me go.

"When I leave knock on this door... got it" she said walking back to the car where her boyfriend waited with a smirk on his face.

I watch as she got in the car and drove off

"Bitch..." i said under my breath before knocking on the door

I stood there for a few minutes before someone came to the door. A old hag came to the door and looked me up and down then scoffed "we got another one!" she yelled before dragging me inside "stay here" she said going into another room

The house reeked and looked like it was falling apart

THAT BITCH! She really left me here to fend for my self.
I was unconsciously pulling my hair

In my state of frantic thought I didn't realize at first I wasn't the only on in the room

I looked up to find a girl sitting in the corner of the room watching me. Before she or I could say anything the hag came back to the room with a man following behind her.

"Whats your name" he asked

I stayed quite

He smacks his teeth and looks me up and down "little monster" he said under his breath. He turns his attention to the girl who had moved from the corner and was standing not to far away from me. "Show him around and keep him in line" he directed her walking out of the room with the hag following behind him.


POV: third person

The girl could sense zacks distress as well as see it. he unconsciously pulls and tugs at his hair to help with the stress of the situation. The girl slowly walks up from behind and taps his shoulder. Zack slaps her hand away out of reflex and pushes her to the ground.

"Leave me alone" he says stumbling back

The girl stares at him for a minute. as she was about to say something she stops her self and crawls over to a drawer. She rummages through it for a while looking for something. Zack  moves a little closer, trying to see what was in the drawer. It was a lot of bandaids medicines thread and needles along with bloody cloths probably used to cover wounds. She smiles slightly as she finds bandages. She turns to zack and holds the bandages up for him to see

"Sit" she says motioning towards  the one mattress on the floor

He cautiously sits down and she kneels in front of him. She slowly reaches for his hand, tho cautious he lets her. She unravels his loose bandage and wraps him up with new ones, she does so to the rest of his body.

"What's your name?" She asked

"I'm y/n" she said just finishing up as she wraps his face "and...done"

She puts the bandage away into the drawer and takes out a bottle of pills. She sits back down I front of Zack and presses down on his arm. He lets out a grunt and squeezes his eyes shut from the pain.

"Your in pain. Take this it's pain medicine" she says pour some of the pills in his hand "I don't know if they'll work but take it anyway"

Zack takes it cause what does he have to lose. Y/n sighs and stands up. She try's flicking the light switch to turn a light on but it was broken. She walks over to a window and looks out side through the blinds.

"It's night time, you can take the mattress I'll sleep on the floor. I'll show you around the orphanage tomorrow "she said still looking out the window

Y/n sighs and grabs a sheet off  the floor and gives it to Zack to sleep with as a cover.  She lays down on the floor near the window, looking up at the sky.

Zack stares at her for a while not knowing what to think about his situation. He thought about his mom what's she did to him, as well as where he was and what he was feeling. He couldn't tell what he was feeling there was no one word or feeling to describe it. He doesn't know what to expect or what will happen to him. He doesn't know who this girl that lays in front of him or what led up to her being here. But he found comfort in her touch when she was taking care of him and in her voice tho she didn't speak to much. He watched her stare at the sky through the window as she fell asleep.  He watched her, in her curled up ball on the cold floor. He got up from the mattress to get a better look at her.  She was quietly sleeping zack couldn't help but look and the longer he looked the nicer she looked even through the rugged clothes and messy (hair texture) hair. She didn't look fragile, more tough then any thing but some how looked like someone you should take care of. Zack was still cautious of her but he couldn't help but get closer. After analyzing her he went back to the mattress and laid down.

"Y/n." He mouthed to himself before going to sleep

Hi I'm the author and  to make this a little clearer the first few chapters will be following zacks childhood and what he went through and what he will go through wit y/n

I hope y'all will enjoy this story and I'll try to get out as many chapter as I can in the free time I have. Ty for reading

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