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A few months later

"Y/n" Zack called out while rummaging through the trash

"Yeah" she answered

"I found something. And its wrapped" he said grabbing it out of the trash and unwrapping it for y/n to see

They both smile when realizing what it was, it was one whole of a sub sandwich with only one bite taken out of it. It was probably something the old hag didn't like and threw away. Zack tries breaking it in half but because the bread was stale it didn't break very evenly. He gives y/n the bigger half sense the last time they found something to eat he got the bigger portions. Y/n's pupils get bigger and she smiles.

"This is the best thing we've found" she said taking a bite

They where both starving due to the to ass holes who run this shit hole. They leave them to go through there garbage for scraps when they don't have enough food or even just forget to feed the children. They weren't the only kids who where here, there where many other weaker kids who have died of hunger and neglect. Zack and y/n were strong so they stayed alive, Atleast that's what y/n tells Zack. He believes what she says, she smarter then him he thinks, he depends on her to read and write for the both of them. Y/n's the one who thought of the idea for the both of them to look through the trash.

"That was good even if it was stale.." she said finishing her sandwich

She stares at zack as he took a bite of his. He looks at the sandwich then her. He could tell she wanted it, she was practically foaming from the mouth. He turned around to where she couldn't see the sandwich while he ate it quickly.

Y/n could feel her stomach caving in. She wiped the slob off her face and watched Zack finish his sandwich. Even tho her and Zack don't know each other, they somewhat made a unspoken alliance sense the night he came. He sticks close to her and she sticks close to him. They both know nothing about each other except they're the only ones who have stayed alive in this shitty orphanage. Y/n's observed Zacks behavior and mannerisms. He doesn't really speak but even when he does he has a raspy quiet voice. Zacks mouth is very vulgar sometimes when he does want to talk. The least physical touch the better with him as he's uncomfortable with it. And lastly she finds that he has a staring problem or maybe something else but his eyes are always focused on something. She finds he's either staring a the walls his hands people and her... she finds it unsettling some times but she's learning to cope with it.

"Let's go back inside" she says sense Zack finished eating

There's one other kid in the orphanage but he's on the verge of death, basically already on deaths door. He's new and has only been here for 1month. Y/n check on him from time to time to see if he's still holding on or not. Zack stands out side the door as she does so. Zack is pretty new as well considering he's only been their for 3month. Y/n wondered if this is as normal to them as it is to her? Did they starve for days before coming there or did they have families. what was it like outside the orphanage?

Y/n let's out a sigh while her and Zack walk to the room of the boy. Zack eyes were stuck on y/n. He couldn't understand. He didn't understand a lot of things. Big words, writing, emotions, people, her. She's strange and unpredictable to him she doesn't act like people he's known. He's scared of what she can do with the bit of trust he has given her. All he can expect is for this to turn out poorly just like any other relationship he's had with any person. He wonders how she'll hurt him, fuck with his mind and betray him. Thoughts he doesn't trust her completely he stays near, maybe as a survival tactic, or fear of being alone. All he knows is that to stay alive in this shit hole he'll need her.

They make it to the room and y/n goes in. Zack waits out side the door and waits for her to come back. Y/n walks up quietly to the mattress on the floor. Y/n doesn't like to wake the boy up because no food and water, with Little to no sunlight, from staying in side all day can drive a person crazy and that's exactly what it did. Y/n only came to check if he was still alive everyday cuz their "care takers"  weren't gonna do it, an a dead body stinking up there nostril in the next room is the last thing they need. She creeps up  close enough to where she can make sure he's still breathing. His breaths are hitched and quiet. As she was finna back away he reach's his hand out and grabs her wrist. His grip was lose at first but got firmer as he seemed to realize it was a person. Y/n gets a weird feeling in her stomach and it felt as if she had to throw up. She tries to pull her arm away but he yanks her. A sudden sharp pain goes up her arm.

"Ahhh!" she lets out

It's clicks in her head that He bit her. He bit her. Her reflex's kick in and she bites back. As her teeth broke through skin and blood creeped In to her mouth from his shoulder, he releases his grasp on her wrist and hits her but she doesn't unlock her jaw. The boy lets out a cry for help alerting Zack. The scene was bloody. Y/n's arm was already bloody and swelling from the bite and the boy was a mess he was skin and bones, his mouth was bloody, he had little to no strength to use anymore all he could do was claw his nail in to y/n. Zack pry's y/n off. Y/n was speechless she just stood there and kept excessively wiping her face of the blood. Her hands and face were covered in blood. The more she wiped the harder It became to breathe. Zack stands there as well the boy was still partially alive but he'd be dead in minutes. Zack could see that Y/n's mind was blank, blood was starting to drip from her face to her clothes and hair.

Zack leads y/n out of the room. She was shaking and was still wiping. They stop in the middle of the hall way. The hallway filled with the smell of blood.

"I....he attacked me first...." Y/n mumbled, grabbing on to Zack

"He was gonna die sooner or later" he said still walking down the hall with y/n following behind him "and like you said, he attacked you first...."

Chapter 1

Hope you enjoy this went from 0-100 real quick😂

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