"New Girl."

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(3rd Person POV)

Chay has just moved from her original school, to another school. Her father got a new job and Chay and her family had to move to another place in Tokyo, where she had to leave her friends and everyone else behind.

She didn't really want to move because she didn't want to leave her friends, and she heard rumors about there being gangs in this school. She informed her parents of these rumors and they believed her, but she still had to go to school.

Chay's Dad: "Okay, make sure to be safe there sweety. I need to get to work, but I'll see you both when I'm done."

Chay: "I know Dad, I love you, bye." She said hugging her father.

Chay's Mom: "Goodbye honey."

Chay's Dad: "Bye everyone, and Chay, just watch out in that new school."

Chay: "I will Dad. Now go, you're gonna be late." She said as her and her mother pushed him out to go to work.

Chay's Mom: "Okay, new school, new friends, maybe even a boyfriend or girlfriend. (Breaths in and out) I'm gonna miss you so much sweety. You're growing up too fast!" She said hugging Chay

Chay: "Mom." She said rolling her eyes playfully."

Chay's Mom: "Now, you do good in there, and remember what me and your father said."

Chay: "I know, "Watch out for the gangs in the school." You guys don't want me getting hurt."

Chay's Mom: "Good, now get to school." She said.

Chay: "Okay, bye Mom." She said kissing her Mom on the cheek.

Chay's Mom: "Bye." She said kissing her on the cheek back.

Chay goes out of the house and waits for the bus to come. She waits for a few minutes and gets on, she looks for a spot to sit on the bus, she meets a girl that is sitting alone. And she decides to sit next to her. The bus rides to the school, and on the way she sees a car driving and stopping next to the bus also on the route to get to school.

Chay looks at the car and sees a guy with pointy hair, it looks like a pineapple almost, and next to him, she sees a girl with blue hair. She honestly thought she looked cool and very pretty with her hair and the car they're driving in. Kinda looked like they were rich.

The bus looses the car while getting to the school, they all get to the school and after several minutes, and they all end up at school. Chay gets off and looks around the school. She tries to find a teacher or a student to help her find the principles office.

She goes to a teacher waiting outside of the school doors.

(When anyone talks, they are speaking in Japanese, I just don't understand and speak Japanese. I do know how to say hello, sorry, and goodbye. I will write in English what they say, but just know that they are speaking Japanese if this was like an actual show.)

Chay: "Uhm, hello, can you tell me where the Principle's Office is?"

Teacher: "Uh yeah, are you the new student?"

Chay: "Yes I am."

Teacher: "Then of course. Come with me, I'll getch 'ya there."

Chay: "Thank you."

The teacher brought Chay to the office and told her what would happen when they got their.

Teacher: "Okay, so, the principle will give you your schedule, your locker number, other stuff, and she'll give you a school tour guide."

The New Girl and The F-4 Leader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now