Seeing F-4 Again

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(3rd Person POV)

Chay woke up to her alarm clock. She got up and got ready for today. She kind of wanted to see F-4 again, they weren't really bad people. She went down stairs and was met by her mother.

Chay's Mom: "Hi sweetie, your father went to work already."

Chay: "Okay."

Chay's mom made and gave her breakfast before she took the bus to school. Her and her mom said their goodbyes and Chay waited and went on the bus.

Chay arrived at the school before getting off the bus. She looked around to see if she could see the car that Sai and Nakano drove yesterday. She then saw it in the parking lot after a little bit of looking.

Chay went inside the school going to her locker before heading off to class. When she went to her locker, she saw Hana and Nakano across from her at their lockers.

("Oh I didn't know they were across from my locker.") Chay said in her mind.

Hana and Nakano were talking across from Chay, Hana started walking over to her with a smile, while she was pulling Nakano over with her.

Hana: "Hey Chay." She said waving once she got to her locker.

Chay: "Hey." She said opening her locker.

Hana: "You need help putting your stuff in the locker?" She asked seeing how much stuff Chay has.

Chay: "Uhm, yeah."

Hana and Nakano help Chay put all of her belongings in the locker before closing it.

Chay: "Thanks."

Hana: "No problem." She said smiling.

The rest of F-4 walks up to them.

Sai: "Hey guys. Hi Chay."

Chay: "Hi."

The group starts talking until the bell rings. They all go to their classrooms leaving Sai, Nakano, and Chay behind after saying goodbye to them.

Sai: "Do you want to walk with us to our class Chay?"

Chay: "Uh, sure." She said grabbing her stuff.

All three of them walked to their history class, Chay went inside first and then Sai and Nakano went inside. They all sat in there assigned seats and waited for the teacher and the rest of the students to come in the room.

Nakano took out a book while they were waiting. Chay just stared at the chemicals on the desk. Chay looked over and saw Nakano reading the book.

Chay: "Hi. What book are you reading?" She asked.

Nakano looked over before saying.

Nakano: "It's a new one."

Chay: "Nice." She said awkwardly.

Nakano passed the book over to Chay to look at it.

Chay: "Hm?" She asked when Nakano gave her the book.

Nakano: "You can look at it. If you want." She said putting it in Chay's hands.

Chay just nodded and looked at the book.

Chay: "Oh, my Mom has a copy of this. It's one of her favorite books." She said giving it back to Nakano.

Nakano: "It's also one of my favorites." She said continuing to read it.

Before Chay could say anything else the teacher and some other students came inside to start the lesson.

Mr. Kato: "Goodmorning class."

Everyone: "Goodmoring Mr. Kato."

Mr. Kato: "Today, we are just going to keep reading, you all have a quiz Friday on the chapters you have read."

A lot of students groaned.

Mr. Kato: "Yeah, yeah I know. Quizzes suck, but next week, we will work with chemicals. After we review them."

The students groaned again.

Mr. Kato: "Alright! Everyone read chapters 75 to 100."

Everyone took out their books, but Chay still didn't have one.

Mr. Kato: "Chay, they still didn't get you a text book yet, they said they'd have it next week. So for now, just share with Nakano."

Chay: "Okay Mr. Kato."

Nakano took out her book and put it in the middle of the desk. She started opening the book to page 75. They both started reading. After a while, they Nakano amd Chay finished reading and waited for class to end.

Nakano went back to reading her book and Chay laid her head down to pass the time. Chay had her head facing Nakano and she was just looking at her reading the book.

Nakano looked over because she felt someone staring at her. Chay looked away from Nakano and lifted her head to look at something else.

(Time Skip)

It was lunch time. Chay got her lunch and sat down at a vacant table by herself. F-4 came in and got their food, the members that sat with her yesterday sat with her again. Meizuo kept making jokes when they were walking over to Chay's table. He made Hana laugh a lot.

Meizuo: "Hey Chay."

Hana: "Do you mind if we sit with you again?"

Chay: "Uh no, not at all." She said before they sat down.

Sai saw Chay looking at Nakano and Ximen sitting in the table they were yesterday.

Sai: "Sorry about them. We asked if they wanted to come over, but it kind of takes Ximen and Nakano a long time before they get used to new people."

Chay: "It's okay."

Meizuo: "I was gonna make them, but I didn't want to get scolded by Ximen."

Hana: "Yeah right."

Meizuo: "What?"

Hana: "You're just scared of them." She said teasing him.

Meizuo: "Am not! I just don't wanna get scolded. Ximen can be like a mom sometimes."

Hana: "Uh-huh, riiiight." She said teasing him even more before laughing at the face he made.

They all started talking to eachother, Chay didn't talk much to anyone, just Hana mostly. She was done eating so she went up and threw her food away. When she was done and was walking back, Nakano went up to throw her stuff away.

Chay looked at her when she was walking past. She walked back to the table and continued talking with the group at her table. Hana asked her for her number so they could talk more. Hana wanted some more friends that were girls and Chay was nice so she asked her. Chay gave her, her number and kept talking.

(Time Skip)

School was over, Chay went on the bus again to get home. Her mom was there waiting for her and her dad to come back aswell. Her mom said that her dad was working late tonight, so after Chay did her homework her and her mom made dinner.

After they ate, they put the leftovers in the fridge and a plate in the oven once her dad comes back home. Chay went to her room and did her routine for the night. When she was done, she set up her alarm and went to sleep ready for school tomorrow.

1115 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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