Chapter 6- A pink milk, please

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Arthit was really done with his junior.

He may be attracted to him but Kongpob was reaching his limit in patience and acting like Arthit like to have to be so mean with his juniors.

Telling the truth, Arthir would have let Prem or Knott be the head hazer if it hadn't been Tum who personally had asked him to be it.

'I should have said no, I would have much less headaches if I had' Arthit mentally grumbles as he makes his way to his favorite shop to get his so adored pink milk 'Should I invite Yo and Ming to meet me here? It always cheers me up to see them or even one of the others...I will do it, I deserve something nice after the shitty day I had' Arthit thinks before he stops near the shop and grabs his phone

Krist: Anyone free to go to the coffee shop with me?

Tul: I'm working on a project right now, sorry

Jimmy: I would give anything to go meet you but I am on my way to a model gig

Nanon: Sorry, I'm being forced to go home to see my parents

First: I hope you survive, P'Non

Krist: Yeah, good luck Nanon

Nanon: Thanks

Bas: If you don't mind Ming and P'Forth going then we three can meet you

Krist: Please! I was thinking about inviting you and Ming but at this point I don't care who comes as long as it is one of you

Boun: Was your day that bad?

Krist: Probably not but I think the stress of taking over being the head hazer when I never wanted this position, certain junior continuing to be an annoying little shit and me being in my third years is starting to catch into me

Bright: Why don't you talk with your friends for them to help you with some of your head hazers activities? And maybe also have a talk with your junior where you explain the SOTUS program better and ask him if he can lay off a bit since he is just adding more stress to you and the other hazers?

Krist: ...I can try that but I am not sure about the last one

Ryan: Do you want one of us to be there to help you talk to your junior?

Krist: ...Maybe? Let me just rest my mind now and I will later decide about it, okay?

Talay: Take all the time you need to make a decision but make one before you end up hurting yourself because if the stress

Krist: I will try

Bas: We are already near the coffee shop P'Krist

Krist: Oh! I just saw you, I am outside waiting for you

Bas: Ok!

Cooper: Have fun!

Bas: We will

"P'Art!" Arthit hears Wayo shout as he runs to hug him

"Yo" Arthit says and hugs the younger boy back before he turns to Ming "Hey, Ming"

"P'Arthit" Ming grins at him "Meet my senior and head hazer, P'Forth" he adds pointing to the older boy who was with them

"It's nice to meet you" Arthit says giving Forth a little wave since Wayo was still hugging him "I'm Arthit Rojnapat" he adds

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ming and Yo have mentioned you a lot" Forth says nodding at him

"Hopefully all good things" Arthit says looking amused at the two juniors who giggled at that

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