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Intro (a/n authors note)

Diana Ross is a 19 year old black girl originally from Italy. But at the age of five she moved to Austin Texas's for her dads new job as a police officer. The next year her dad was shot when a drive by was happening in your neighborhood. After that year her life was on a downhill.

Not only did her mother not really care about her dad's death, she also was cheating most of the time. So after a couple of weeks her moms boyfriend moved in. Steven ( her moms bf) wasn't that bad of a guy. Well that was until he got married to her mother. He would abuse Diana verbally and sexually. On Diana's twelfth birthday, he raped her. And the sad thing about everything is when Diana reached out to her mom, she told her " maybe if you would've covered up this would have never happened." On that day she realized her mom was no longer there to protect her. She was on her on, alone.

The abuse and rape kept happening until the age of 18 when she moved out. You would think Diana was happy about, but she wasn't. You see the only reason why she moved out is because her mom was murdered the day of her graduation. But Diana wasn't sad nor was she mad. She was numb, not because her mom stopped loving her, not because she let her new husband rape her, because she was murdered by Steve. Diana always felt weird about the whole situation. Why did Steve murder her mom? Was there something going on between that she must've missed? But the weird thing is, the week after Steve ran out of jail. He was murdered. Not by some cop. But some one brutally killed him. But who cares about that right now let's move on.

Now your probably wondering "well how was school like for her." "Was she smart,dumb,popular,nerdy, was she bullied"

Actually she never was bullied. Sure she would always get asked what happened to your arm, why are you crying all I asked is where is your dad. But besides that, life away from home was really good. She had amazing friends, was an A+ student, was good with teachers and the principal, and she was pretty popular. People adored her. She never was involved with any fights or drama. She literally had no enemies.

She was captain of the soccer,volleyball, and cheer team. She ran track and also she played basketball. She also was on the robotics team. I'm pretty sure you guys aren't surprised when I say this but she got valedictorian. ( obvi 🙄)

she also graduated college early ( yeah she just smart like that) she took a bunch of boxing and karate classes since she lives alone.

Now that that's over I just decided to give y'all a little heads up so you guys won't be surprised when I say something about her past life and stuff.

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