Undisclosed (Until Arthur is Drunk) (Part 1)

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Summary: Arthur gets drunk and reveals an unexpected secret.

TW: mentions of kidnapping and memory alteration. Also moments of violence.

Hey party people! It's been awhile lol.

It wasn't uncommon for countries to go to the local bars and get drunk. Especially after a long day of stressful meetings. Thankfully the conference hall/hotel was surrounded by various restaurants and bars so no one had to venture far. Normally, Alfred would be getting drunk and doing stupid stuff with his friends, but he had been given the role of designated driver, so no booze for him. Why they wanted Alfred of all people to have that job is beyond him.

Thus the American was condemned to drinking coke and babysitting a bunch of drunk old men.

Lucky him.

"Alfred~! Alfred, my beloved baby brother!!" Speaking of drunk old men. Alfred turned away from the coke he had been nursing to see Arthur drunkenly stumbling towards him. The Englishman had a bottle of half drunk whiskey in one hand and was waving the other aggressively. The American sighed, smiling as Arthur sluggishly slid onto the bar stool next to him.

"ALFRED~!! Little brother, why don't you ever call me? I'm your older brother, you're not supposed to be so mean to me!" The former empire bemoaned, throwing his arms around Alfred. The American quickly adjusted to the sudden shift in weight and moved his soda out of the way when Arthur nearly knocked it over.

Once he made sure that neither of them were going to fall from their seats Alfred looked at Arthur and smiled once again. This time in amusement. It was always funny to see the Englishman like this. For all the older man talked about being a gentleman he was the opposite when drunk.

"Sorry Iggy. I've been busy. I've got my own country to run too, you know." The superpower reminded him. Arthur scoffed at the words. "You have your own country...UGH, I remember when you were just a small child; picking up bison and running through flower fields. Why couldn't you have stayed small forever?" Arthur bemoaned, attempting to take a swig from the whiskey bottle but failing due to their position.

Nations around them watched in amusement at normally composed man's belligerent behavior. Alfred didn't pay them much mind as he easily took the bottle from his brother's hands. He set it down on the countertop much to Arthur's protests who reached for the bottle. The American lightly slapped his hand away. "Nope. You've clearly had enough, and don't give me that look. You're the one who demanded I needed to take care of everyone tonight. That includes you too old man." Alfred said, gesturing for the bartender to take the bottle away.

"Nooooo, I can still drink more." The bottle was taken away despite the Englishman's protests. Alfred tried and failed to stifle his laughter at watching a former empire grovel over a half full bottle of whiskey. "I don't think you can. You've started talking about me as a child. That's when I know you've reached your limit." The other blonde man chuckled. The alcohol gone, Arthur moved back to blabbering. "I'm glad you aren't ignoring me. I was afraid you found out about what I did." Arthur smiled dazedly, patting Alfred on the back.

"About what? Did you steal France's cheese collection again?" Alfred sighed, already picturing the angry Frenchman storming in demanding justice for 'My stolen fromage!'. Arthur shook his head, waving his hand exasperatedly. "No, I didn't steal anything from the frog. I was talking about what happened with Finland and Sweden." Arthur mumbled that last part but Alfred still heard him.

A feeling of confusion overcame the young nation as he processed the drunken words. What had happened? And what did Tino and Berwald have to do with it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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