UkUs- I Won't Be Like You

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For YamiNya999

Hey guys! This isn't so much as a romantic one-shot like some of my other ones. This is more like a father-son relationship. WARNING: child abuse, neglect, alcoholism and angst.
The relationship between America and England hadn't always been strained and distant.

There had been a time where America had loved England and saw him as a father figure. But as the saying goes all good things must come to an end. It started with England leaving for long periods of time to explore the New World. America was left alone to fend for himself at the tender age of five though in nation years he was only fifty (still pretty young in nation years). The young colony, at the time, had been sad when England would leave him and would often cry for days after the Brit's departure.

England was the first nation that ever insulted America.

He called him weak for not being able to sleep with the lights off. Apparently he 'was the son of the mighty British Empire and he should act like it'. The American knew that England wasn't his true father. In truth, America had never met his dad only his mother Native America. And England killed her. Right in front of his eyes. It was one of the times in America's life that he was too helpless to do anything to save the one(s) he loves.

He went with England because he didn't know what else to do. All his brothers and sisters were dead (as far as he knew) so he really had no other options. Like mentioned before it wasn't all darkness right away. England had given America a home, food to eat, and a warm bed. The Englishman had been kind and caring to him in fact America really admired the Brit. That all changed when America had overheard a conversation England was having with France.

America remembered being curious at what they were talking about like any other child. What he had heard truly broke his heart.

"So, Angleterre how iz Amérique? Iz he doing vell?" France had asked England thoughtfully. America heard England scoff in something he recognized as disgust. "That brat? I really don't care how he's doing. As long as his country continues to supply me, he can go to hell for all I care." England stated tone cold and emotionless. Each of England's words pierced America's heart like needles leaving the young colony holding his chest in pain.

"Vhy are you so cold towards him? He is only un enfant." France said his voice showing disapproval of England's words. "He's older than most living humans. Like all other colonies, he serves a purpose frog. A means to an end if you will." America could practically hear the smirk in England's voice. Tears began to form in America's sky blue eyes as he listened to England speak. A means to an end? Is that all he was to England? Just supplies?

America slid down the wall sniffling. He pulled his knees to his small body as he started to sob quietly heartbroken. "You disgust me, Angleterre. In case you have forgotten, our colonies have personifications too. Ones just like you and me. If you keep treating them just like resources, zhan zhey vill grow rebellious and leave you." The Frenchman snapped at the Englishman earning the sigh from the other blonde.

"I really don't care about your opinion anyway. Who cares if they have personifications? They will always be resources to me. Not my real children. You must be crazy to think otherwise." America jumped when he heard France stand up angrily from his chair. "You are zhe crazy one, Angleterre. I hope Amérique finds out what a monster you are and leaves you." Footsteps began making their way towards the door causing America to panic. If England found out he was listening in on one of his meetings, he'd kill him!

America scrambled up from his position on the floor before he booked in down the hallway and into his bedroom. He had curled into his bedsheets then proceeded to cry his eyes out. After that day America never felt the same towards England.

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