Matte Kudasai

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"You want to draw me?" Jenna asked, looking slightly confused. "Yeah, only if you want to though," Y/N said with a smile. Jenna smiled shyly, and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "I kind of assumed with all the time you've spent drawing Wednesday, you'd be kinda bored of drawing me." Y/N took her hands into his, and gave her a small kiss, "I don't think I could ever get bored drawing you." Jenna smiled and playfully rolled her eyes, "Nerd." She said, making Y/N chuckle, and wrap his arms around her. "So, want me to draw you?" Y/N asked her again, Jenna pretended to think for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll be your muse." She kissed his cheek and sat in one of his spare office chairs, while he went to a blank page on his drawing pad. "So how do you want me?" She asked, striking a dramatic pose that was somewhat undone by her outfit.

Y/N chuckled and said, "Just be you." He started the basic outline for the drawing, "I know that's sort of bad direction, but, I just want to draw you as you." She nodded and changed to her natural sitting pose, watching as Y/N drew her, the way his E/C eye's were focused and seemed to scan over her at the same time as he drew. Jenna felt herself blush at the combination of his focused look and the feeling of him taking in her image. When he looked up to her again and noticed her blush, "You feeling okay, hun? You look a little red." She nodded and smiled, "All good, babe." She said, Y/N smiled back and went back to drawing. She watched his hand as he drew, and saw that he was drawing fast enough that sometimes his hand looked like a flesh colored blur. Jenna realized she'd never seen him draw, only the finished products.

She was kind of in awe at how fast he could draw. He looked back up from the pad and moved his chair slightly closer to her, "One more thing and it should be done," he said, putting down the pencil he'd been using and picked up a thin paint brush. He dipped it into a small tub of dark grey paint,wiped away any excess, and once again looked to Jenna and examined her face, specifically her freckles. He carefully positioned the brush and angled the pad slightly before pulling back on the brush with his thumb, and causing a small splatter of paint onto the paper. He placed the brush back down, "Done." He said proudly, Jenna got up from her seat, excited to see his work. She stood behind him and looked at the pad. The drawing captured her shy smile, and even had her small blush incorporated. "No way!" She said excitedly, "You used the paint splatter for my freckles?"

He smiled up at her, clearly happy with her reaction, "Do you like it?" he asked, and Jenna hugged his shoulders from behind and kissed him on the cheek a few times, "I love it." She admired the drawing for a few more seconds, "Would you mind if I kept it?" She asked, Y/N smiled, "Of course not, hun." Jenna smiled, "Could I get you to sign it? I am your biggest fan after all." She said, playfully. "Well, anything for a fan. But, I'll also need a signature from my favorite actress." Jenna moved from behind him and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "I think I could arrange that." She leaned forward and kissed him. He kissed her back, running his hand through her hair and feeling how soft it was.

They pulled apart, and Jenna rested her forehead against his and they sat looking into each others eyes. "It's strange," Jenna said, "I haven't felt this way for someone before." she said, feeling Y/N stroke her hair, "I've never really felt this way for anyone either." He said, "I've never actually had a girlfriend." Jenna looked at him, slightly surprised, "Really?" He shrugged, "I started focusing on comics at fifteen, so girls weren't really on my mind." He smiled, slightly embarrassed, and said. "Honestly, until I met you, I never really had an interest in dating at all." Jenna cuddled up to him and said, "So, I'm your first girlfriend?" Y/N nodded, and rubbed her back with his fingers. "If you don't mind me asking, am I your first boyfriend?"

She nodded, "Yeah. Kind of a similar situation to you."  She nuzzled into his neck, "I focused so much on my acting that I didn't really bother with dating." She looked up at him and smiled, "I guess we're both in unknown territory." She said, getting a smile from Y/N, "We seem to be doing okay so far. So we're doing something right." He said, Jenna rested her head back on his shoulder, and closed her eyes. "Yeah, I think we're doing okay." Jenna said, just enjoying being with him and him with her. The two sat in silence, with the occasional moments of chatter. As much as they both wanted it to, the day couldn't last forever, and Jenna reluctantly got up from his lap. "I should probably get going." She said sadly, "More work tomorrow."

After getting Y/N to actually sign the drawing he did of her, the two made their way to his driveway to wait for her Uber together, firmly holding each others hands. "So, I was thinking," Y/N said, "since we'll be working on the second Thus Spoke together from scratch, if you don't have any work going by then. I thought maybe you could spend a few day's here." He said nervously, Jenna smiled up at him teasingly, "Before marriage? How scandalous." She said with a mock gasp, she thought about it seriously for a second. "It would save a lot of travel time, and I would like to spend more time together." She said, only needing a second to think about it. "Okay, let's do it." she said, the car pulled up and Jenna kissed Y/N's cheek. "We'll iron out the details soon, okay babe?" He nodded, and the two of them waved to each other before Jenna got into the car that began to drive her home.

Leaving Y/N suddenly feeling much more alone.

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