Burning Down The House Part 1.

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The night had come for Dark Horse's Comic event, something they really should give a proper name to. Y/N was sitting on his couch reading while he waited for Jenna to finish getting ready. She had convinced him to at least wear a button-up shirt instead of the T-shirt he planned to wear. Jenna stepped out of their bedroom. She wore a yellow dress that exposed her bare waist and black high heels; her hair was down. She stepped in front of him and quickly spun, "How do I look?" She asked with a smile that always spread to him. "You look amazing," he said. Jenna sat on his lap and kissed him. She stood up from his lap and grabbed his hand, "Come take a selfie with me." She said excitedly; she pulled him up from the couch and took him with her to the full-bodied mirror in their room.

"I've never done a selfie before; what do I do?" He asked her; she smiled and said, "Just pose with me in the mirror like this," she wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, "And then, you smile while I take a picture of us." She took a few small snaps and kissed him on the cheek on the last one. She swiped through them and asked, "Babe, would you be okay with me posting these?" He thought briefly and slightly nodded, "Sure, Angel." He said, causing Jenna to smile; they moved back to the lounge room, "Rumi texted me while you were getting ready. She said the driver should be here in about ten minutes," Y/N said as they sat back on the couch; Jenna rested her head on his shoulder. The ten minutes were spent with Jenna browsing Twitter and showing him some of the Fan-art made for Thus Spoke. One piece was a drawing of the Thus Spoke version of Wednesday teamed up with Zeitgeist from Dark Side.

Before much longer, they were in the back of the car with Rumi on their way to the Emerson Lake Hotel. "So what can I expect from this event?" Y/N asked, getting a shrug from Rumi. "Typical party stuff, I guess. Food, music, booze, that kind of stuff." Y/N thought the alcohol and being with Jenna would help make the night more bearable. "See, babe. If you end up having a bad time, you can just get drunk," Jenna joked, adding, "I bet you're cute when you're drunk."  Rumi chuckled, "He gets very huggy, so if he does get drunk, you have to be prepared for that." Jenna smiled and messed with his hair, "Aww, do you think you'll get all huggy with me?" Jenna teased; Rumi and Jenna started laughing, leaving Y/N to lean back in his seat and contemplate getting drunk.

The car pulled up from the hotel, and the trio got out. A few people were already standing outside, smoking. They walked to the door, Rumi a little ahead with Jenna and Y/N tailing. Jenna held his hand and smiled up at him, "It'll be fine, babe. I bet it'll be way more fun than you imagine." Y/N gave a deep sigh but smiled at Jenna and nodded. As they approached the door, a man in a dark green jacket with long brown hair who was leaving the party stopped for a second and said, "Hey, Y/N." before he made his way to his car, Y/N gave him a small wave as he walked past them and responded, "Hey, Gerard." Jenna did a double take at the man as he got into his car, "Was that Gerard Way?" she asked. "Yeah, he's working on some new Umbrella Academy stuff, so he's probably here for some promo," Y/N said.

Rumi found a table for them to sit at while the party happened around them. Y/N, who was already visibly uncomfortable with the number of people, said, "Okay, I'm going to get a drink. Either of you want one?" Jenna and Rumi said yes and made their requests, and Y/N disappeared to the bar. The two women sat in silence for a moment before Rumi spoke up. "So, I know this might not be my place to say this, but Y/N means a lot to me. He's like my little brother. And I know there's no point in saying this other than for my peace of mind. But, well, you know, treat him how he deserves." Rumi said. Jenna smiled and nodded, "I love him, Rumi, and I'll show him that daily." Rumi nodded, satisfied.

"How long have you two known each other?" Jenna asked. Rumi smiled with a hint of nostalgia and said, "Three years. I was hired as his manager when he was nineteen." Jenna smiled. "Was he always so shy? I can't imagine him any other way." Jenna asked. Rumi chuckled and said, "Yeah, he's much better now. When I first went to meet him in person at his old apartment, the one he used to share with three other guys, I knocked on the door, and when he answered it, he was so surprised to see someone he didn't recognize that he just yelled, "Ah! A stranger!" and closed the door on me." The two of them laughed, "Aw, the poor thing." Jenna said, smiling; she could easily see the event unfolding in her mind.

Rumi smiled at Jenna and said, "I think having you in his life has been good for him. He'd never say it, but I think his biggest problem was that he was lonely."

One for the books Jenna Ortega x Male Comic author/artist reader.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang