Resets EP4: Love by Time

130 4 2

The Narrator was too shocked to speak, he can't believe his eyes, *How could my own creation have feelings for me? Is this even real? Is this all a dream?* The Narrator didnt want to believe it until Stanley hugged him, Stanley was happy, then the game reseted.

Only The Narrator remembered what actually happened, but Stanley didn't remember the moment The Narrator confessed to him, all he remembers is The Narrator's face, his handsome face, Stanley would never forget such a handsome face, The Narrator was confused of what happened, he isn't the one who reseted the game, was it a technical difficulty? A loose screw? Who knows? The Narrator immediately investigated in his office, *Damn it. I could have been with Stanley if only this reset never happened*...
130 words
tiktok: notfromtheparable

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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