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Miles had been looking forward to seeing his favorite racer, Gwen Stacy, for the last week.

I, on the other hand, wasn't a major fan and hadn't watched any of the races, but I decided to accompany him to see what all the fuss was about.

"PAV! ARE YOU FINISHED YET?" Miles yelled as he loaded his belongings and part of mine into his car.

"Yeah, I'm done" I hurriedly gathered the rest of my belongings and made my way to his car. I stowed my bag in the back and sat on the passenger side.

"Hey, before we go...what's the deal with this? I don't want to arrive and be completely lost."

Miles looked at me with a puzzled expression before speaking.

"Wait, you wanted to accompany me but don't know anything...?"

"Yeah, I'm eager for new experiences and..."I wanted to see this so-called Gwen Stacy you keep mentioning," I grinned, observing how embarrassed Miles seemed.

"you're over exaggerating" Miles laughed, a light pink brushing on his face.

"Yeah, yeah if you say so," I said with a tiny giggle along with a grin.  "So, what is this race about, and why is it so important or significant that you had to watch it live?"

"I guess it's just really important to me.."They won't be racing for long, and this is a huge competition. 

Instead of just them racing, they'll be racing with other remarkable racers. It makes me uneasy since I'm not sure about whether they have a chance."

"Oh, I didn't realize that; I guess it's pretty cool, and since you like them so much, I hope they win." Knowing how significant this was for him, I smiled softly at Miles.

"um, remember how you mentioned Gwen having a friend or teammate with whom she races...?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"What are they like, you know just to be prepared"

"His name is Hobart Brown, but he goes by Hobie; he and Gwen have been racing for over three years now, and just for fun, he can play the guitar quite well."

Hobart Huh?" I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard his name.

"I know it sounds silly, but wait until you see him; all I can say is he's extremely attractive." Miles grinned as he cast a brief glance at me.

"I don't know your taste in people isn't the best, I wouldn't take your word for it," Miles exclaimed dramatically, as if my remarks had truly wounded him. We continued to laugh and speak till we arrived.

It was pitch black outside until we arrived at the stadium, which was ablaze with the most vivid hues. The color purple stood out the most against the automobiles. I was so engrossed that I didn't notice the distance between me and Miles. 

I immediately caught up to him, still savoring the scenery.

Miles began shaking me and pointed to where Hobie and Gwen's cars were once we arrived.

I exclaimed, both automobiles were gorgeous; they were so well-designed that you couldn't take your gaze away from them.

Just then, a tall dark-skinned man with locs on top of his shoulders emerged from his automobile. My heart was racing and my breath was becoming labored. Gwen was standing next to him.

That had to be Hobie Brown...Miles was not joking. I instantly turned to face Miles, who was chanting Gwen's name and jumping  like those insane fan girls.

It was far too noisy, and he appeared overly concentrated on her, so I kept my words to myself. 

After a few minutes, they were all in their cars and lined up in a perfect line, with no one over or under. I wish I could have brought Gaytari along to watch this. Maybe the next race, See would have liked it as much as I do right now.

Then shouts of the females next to me brought me back to reality.

The cars revved their engines, ready to take off as soon as the signal was given. The drivers were focused. Their eyes locked on the finish line ahead. The sound of the engines were deafening as the cars sped off, each driver trying to gain an advantage over the others. They weaved in and out, each ,maneuvering their car with precision and skill. The crowd cheered as the cars raced past, the excitement in the air palpable. It was anyones race, but only one could emerge victorious.

As the cars raced down the track, Hobie Brown found himself neck and neck with another driver. The two drivers were evenly matched and it was impossible to tell who would come out on top. The crowd was on edge, waiting to see who would cross the finish line first.

As they approached the final turn, the other driver made a daring move, trying to pass Hobie on the inside. Hobie could feel his car start to lose control, but he managed to regain his composure just in time. With a burst of speed, he pulled ahead of the other driver and crossed the finish line first.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Hobie emerged victorious. He was elated, but also relieved that he had managed to hold on yo his lead. He knew that he had been lucky to win, and he was grateful for the support of his fans.

As he stepped out of his car, Hobie was greeted by a throng of reporters and photographers.

They asked him how he had managed to win, and he simply smiled and said it had been team effort. He knew that he couldn't have done it without the support of his crew, and he was grateful for their hard work and dedication.

In the end, Hobie Brown had won the race, but he knew that it had been a close call. He was proud of his victory, but he also knew that he would have to work even harder if he wanted to stay on top.

(Hello and thank you for visiting my story; this is the first time I've written and posted one. Please feel free to send me suggestions for future chapters and to help me improve my writing. I wish you a wonderful day and hope you enjoy it.)

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