[ - ' ' ...huh- But I didnt do much wrong..? ] - Chapter 2 ❕

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[ - Scaramouche pov . ]

Ugh. I'd sigh quite annoyed. I really hated living in the school. Though I didn't really have an choice. My mother , Ei was the headmaster and aswell my teacher. Though I did get the choice of what I wanted to wear so I put on black sweatpants along with an purple hoodie on with an white undershirt. I tied my hair up , I did need to get it cut though.

🍡 & 🌸 [ ' Come on Kuni , you need to come here and eat! Your sister already ate and is on her way ' ]
- ⚡️ [ ' Yeah come on brother. You should really take after me ! ~ ] she'd tease.
☂️ [ ' ' stfu. I dont wanna eat. I'm full from last night. Besides I'm not eating your trash cooking. I'll be in the cafe. ' ' ]
🍡 - [ ' ' Kuni- Ugh...Is he still mad about how we can't go back to our house.? ' ' ]
🌸 & ⚡️- [ ' Probably - though we should just leave him be . He's always been like that. ' ' ]

I'd sigh before walking out and into the cafe ordering an iced latte. I'd put it under my mothers name , I don't care how much I charge on her. I'd catch up with my friends , Dottore , Childe and Signora. The only one I enjoyed talking too was Childe. Sometimes though. Most of the time he was an annoying bitch. We'd catch up before class started and we'd approach school.

[ - Flash back - ]
🍡 - [ ' ' Kuni , we have an new boy and girl joining! You should become friends with them! See theirs yoimiya and kaz- ' ' ]
☂️ - [ ' ' No. I dont Need Friends. Besides the boy looks an maple leaf. ' ' ]
☂️ - [ ' ' . I'm already done with you , your sending me to an dorm. And you won't tell me who I'm sharing it with. ' ' ]
[ - End of flashback. - ]
Huh. So it was the new boy my mother kept talking about. As if I'd want to be friends with him. I already hated him. He looked like an annoying bitch with the way he kept apologizing. Though I did have to admit. Those eyes of his did look nice. After the small little conversation with him. I guess it wasn't really counted as one. I went to class. And of course my first one was with my mother . She just had to make me sit in the front. I swear I'm gonna kill her one of these days. Though I had to act nice to the maple looking boy. What was his name again , Kazuha ? Anyways I don't care either way.
             ☂️ - [ ' ' oh it's the Canadian boy , looks like your gonna have to sit next to me. ~ ' ' ]
I could just see how nervous he looked. He moved his chair as far away as possible. He looked fun to toy around with . So I
crumpled up the work I was given and I threw it at him. I didn't except him to throw it back. ( like the paper not twerking )
Before I knew it we were throwing it back and fourth. Though my mother just had to ruin the fun.
                 🍡. - [ ' ' Both of you. Stop it right now. Especially you kuni. I expect you to be nicer to the new boy. Though hello kazuha! I'm sorry about all of this. Though all of you guys can leave class early and start heading to the lunch room! ' ' ] -
            ☂️ - [ ' ' Mother are you fucking kidding me. First you use that name and then you get me in trouble. Embarrssing. ' ' ]
🍡 - [ ' ' Kuni. Be quiet. For your behavior you cannot go out with your friends. And if you sneak out. You will be cut short on your allowance. ' ' ]
      I sit their in disbelief. All of this just because of the kazuha boy? I swear I'm going to teach him an lesson. I'd get up because obviously class was over. I'd tell my friends about it and they'd agree. It was utter embarrassment. So we came up with the plan. When Kazuha goes to the washroom we grab him. That's exactly what we did. I yanked his arm inside and pinned him to the wall. Now he couldn't get out of this position.
     🍂 - [ ' ' - Huh- Get away from me..- ' ' ]
☂️. - [ ' ' As if. Your the one who got me in trouble. You just had to make it look obvious didn't you.? ' ' ]
Before I'd realize he'd smack my face. Leaving an red mark. I was furious.
      🍂 [ ' ' GET THE FUCK AWAY- ITS NOT MY FAULT- that- that YOU GOT IN TROUBLE...- ' ' ]
🧪 - [ ' ' Damn..- ' ' ]
         I'd dig my nails into his skin. Causing for parts of his arms to be bleeding. He deserved it after all. I didn't realize the other 3 were looking at me. Childe in shock. Dottore laughing. Signora taking an video.

{ 💭 - this kid is gonna die. I swear - ' ' }  -☂️

           Before we knew it , me and this kazuha boy were in an flow blown fight. Childe had left the washroom to catch up with zhongli. Dottore left to not miss class. Signora was still recording. Even in the first place she wasn't supposed to be un the men's washroom anyways. Their was blood on the floor. Kazuha had an bloody nose. Meanwhile I had an black eye.

🍷 - [ ' ' Go Scaramouche , you can win..-  maybe - Your lucky I decided to stay. ' ' ]
             ☂️ + 🍂 [ ' ' Shut up- ❗️ ' ' ]
[ ' ' Ok..- Jeez ' ' ] - 🍷
           [ ' ' Is tha-that all you g- ' ' ] - 🍂
    Kazuha would say before passing out.    
                          [ ' ' gues-guess I wo- ' ' ]
I'd say before blacking out.

Next thing I knew. Both kazuha and me were in the nurses office. He was on top of me.

Disgusting.....but cute.

[ sorry if this seemed short 💔 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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[ ' ' ...Fine. Just leave me alone then.? - ' ' ] ...Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now