dreaming about the day

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❝ when you wake up and find that

what you're looking for,

has been here the whole time ❞

a picturesque playground with vibrant swings, slides, and a colorful jungle gym stood under the warm sun. the air was filled with laughter and the distant sound of children playing.

a young boy, jisung around 7 years old, with messy dark hair and bright eyes, ran excitedly towards the playground. his best friend, minho, also around 7 years old, with a mop of straight hair and a mischievous grin, followed closely behind.

the two friends sprinted towards the swings, their laughter echoing through the air. they reached the swings at the same time and jumped onto them with glee. pumping their legs, they soared back and forth, competing to see who could go higher.

"look at me min! i am flying!" jisung yelled excitedly.

"yeah, right! watch this!" minho leaned back and swung higher, trying to outdo jisung. the playful rivalry between them evident, but it was all in good fun.

their playful banter continued as they move on to the slide. jisung climbed up the ladder while minho eagerly waited at the top, ready to slide down.

"here i come!" with a whoosh, jisung slided down the twisty slide, his hands in the air, and a wide smile on his face. minho followed right after, sliding down beside his friend with equal enthusiasm.

years later, the two of them found themselves sitting in the same swings at a dark chilly night.

"you think i'll be able to find someone to date?" minho snickered as he slurped from the banana shake in his hands.

it was the night before their junior year and to say the both of them were excited was merely an understatement.

"nah" jisung cheekily replied making minho glare at him.

"i've been single for 16 years!" minho groaned, "do you think i'll be able to find someone who truly understands me?" he sighed.

"you know, i really like people who are outgoing and adventurous, someone who can make me laugh and is always up for trying new things and they have to be really good listeners too, understanding and caring. oh! and a love for cats is a must! i just can't resist someone who adores my furry little creatures."

as minho spoke, jisung couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. they had been friends for so long, and a part of him had always wondered why they weren't dating. jisung cared deeply for his best friend and recently started feeling a strong connection that went beyond friendship.

in his mind, he thought, "why can't this dumbfuck see that i possess all these qualities he's looking for? we already share so much together, and i know i can make him laugh and support him in every way. it's frustrating to think that i might be exactly what he's looking for, but he hasn't even considered me as a romantic option."

as the swings swayed gently, jisung felt torn between revealing his true feelings and risking their friendship or keeping his emotions hidden and maintaining the status quo. it was a dilemma that had been on his mind for quite some time.

"what about you? what's your type?"

minho's question brought jisung back to the present moment, and he managed a smile.

"well, i think i'm drawn to people who are kind-hearted, understanding, and have a great sense of humor. someone who's always there for me, and we can share anything without judgment. you know, a best friend like you, but even more."

minho nodded, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. but then he quickly continued discussing his ideal partner, not realizing the depth of jisung's words.

jisung couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness, wondering if the right moment to confess his feelings would ever come.

for now, he decided to cherish the friendship they had, supporting his best friend in his pursuit of the perfect partner, even though he secretly hoped that one day, his best friend might realize that what he was looking for had been right in front of him all along.

✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

"jisung! wake up! i have to tell you something!"

the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains as jisung stirred from his slumber. still half-asleep, he felt a mixture of surprise and delight as he heard minho's voice softly confessing his feelings.

"when i woke up today, i just had this weird thought that what if, what i have been looking for has been infront of me the whole time? and that made me really uncomfortable and so i came to the conclusion that.. i love you. you're everything i've ever wanted, and i can't imagine my life without you."

jisung's heart swelled with happiness, and he was overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions. it felt so real, as if his deepest desire had manifested in front of them.

but when jisung tried to tell him how much he loved him too, minho covered his mouth telling him to shush.

"but now you need to wake up" minho smiled devilishly.

beep beep beep

as jisung fully woke up, he realized that it was all just a dream. a bittersweet feeling washed over him, leaving him slightly disoriented and yearning for something that hadn't truly happened.

despite the dream's revelation being a fantasy, the emotions it had stirred were genuine. jisung couldn't shake off the warmth of the dream, nor the lingering sense of longing it left behind.

i don't want to go to university today either.

you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now