what you're looking for

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dreaming about the day when
you wake up and find

that what you're looking for has
been here the whole time ❞

"so, hyunjin, how did you meet felix?" jisung finally decided to strike up a conversation after few awkward minutes.

"funny story, actually. we bumped into each other at a local art exhibition. turns out, we share a love for contemporary art. we've been friends ever since." hyunjin replied happily while reminiscing the memory.

their conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from art to music to travel and back again.

hyunjin had a knack for asking insightful questions and listening intently, making jisung feel truly heard.

"you have a real passion for art. do you create any of your own?" jisung asked impressed.

"absolutely! i'm a painter, and i dabble in a bit of sculpture too. it's my way of expressing myself and escaping from the daily grind." hyunjin proudly replied.

jisung was fascinated hyunjin's creative spirit and felt a genuine connection with him.

they shared stories of their own interests and hobbies, and before they knew it, they were deep in conversation, laughing and sharing memories as if they had been friends for years.

jisung and hyunjin slowly found themselves sharing drinks and dancing together.

while minho, watched from a distance, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

he had initially been preoccupied with his girlfriend, but now, seeing jisung and hyunjin having such a good time together,

he felt a pang of something he couldn't quite define, "why am i feeling like this? they're just friends, after all."

unable to shake off his uneasy feelings, minho decided to approach the duo, hoping to spend some time with jisung.

"mind if i join you two?" minho smiled awkwardly.

"minho! i didn't see you there!" hyunjin smiled happily seeing his friend.

"you two know each other?" jisung questioned mindlessly.

"yes we have a few classes together" minho awkwardly scratched the back of his head while replying.

"i didn't know you had such hot friends min" jisung playfully winked at him while slowly whispering in his ears.

"you're drunk sungie" minho grabbed him by the arms, slowly pulling him away from the crowd and hyunjin.

while talking with hyunjin, jisung found himself drinking more than he had initially intended.

the music, the laughter, and the joy of the celebration had led to one too many drinks, and he was now feeling quite drunk.

"what's wrong min~ i want to dance!" jisung confusingly asked with slurred words while being dragged by minho.

"nothing, i think you need some air, you're really drunk" minho replied vaguely after dragging jisung to the empty washroom.

minho's response didn't make sense to the drunk jisung, who was struggling to process the situation through the haze of alcohol.

"i just wanted to dance with your friend, why are you acting like this?" jisung asked minho while trying to make eye contact through his heavy eyelids.

jisung's drunken mind couldn't comprehend why his best friend, was suddenly distancing himself. it left him feeling hurt, confused, and vulnerable.

"i thought you were having fun with your girlfriend, what did i do wrong this time?" jisung finally asked as his voice cracked.

but minho, perhaps overwhelmed by his own emotions or insecurities, continued to maintain his distance, leaving jisung feeling lost and abandoned in the midst of the celebration.

as the night continued, jisung's drunkenness deepened, and he couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of confusion and sadness that had enveloped him.

he stumbled through the remainder of the party, unable to understand why his best friend had suddenly changed his behavior.

frustrated and hurt by minho's distant behavior, jisung stumbled back towards the dance floor, where hyunjin, was still enjoying the party.

the alcohol in his system intensified his emotions, and he sought solace in the friendly and engaging presence of hyunjin.

as jisung and hyunjin laughed and danced, minho couldn't help but watch from afar. the jealousy that had been simmering inside him earlier now flared up, burning hotter than ever.

"you're so stupid minho"

minho's heart ached as he saw jisung and hyunjin having a great time together.

he realized that his own actions had caused the distance between them, and he regretted it deeply.

and as the night wore on, minho grappled with his emotions, trying his best to pay attention to hae-ri and her rants, watching jisung and hyunjin from a distance, unable to tear his gaze away.

you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now