Popeye's Night Time Brawl

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Popeye wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed, he was silent for a good portion of the trip which was uncharacteristic of him to say the least. Most days if he were bored, he'd just ramble about whatever was going on and try to make a few puns here and there. Not this time though, something felt off as the carriage got closer to the capital. He didn't like the feeling. It wasn't like when Bluto tried to steal Olive from him, it wasn't like when he faced death and didn't just laugh but gave it a good slugging to the jaw. Something here was, for all intents and purposes... Evil.

But he had his mission, and he'd follow through if it was the last thing he did. As the carriage finally pulled up the the capital, Popeye removed himself from its confines and stretched his legs within the walls of the vast city.

"Well blow me down, I aint's never seen so many people in one place."
Tatsumi looked to the sailor who, now he got a better look at him, was actually an inch or two shorter than him without his hat. Then again, with arms like the sailors, he doubted height became an issue regularly.

"Hey green eyes" Popeye started, noticing the boys staring. "Ifs ya takes a picture, it might last longer" he said, curious as to why the lad was so deep in thought while staring at him.

"W-what!? Hey old man I was just thinking of something is all!." Tatsumi defended.

"Sures ya was, and I is the king of the specific Osheen" he mocked, before giving his signature chuckle at the boys expense.
"Say, now that I comes to think of it. What does a country boy be wantin from a city big as this?"

Tatsumi looked to the sailor with pride "I'm here to join the Imperial Army! With a job like that I could afford to save my village!" His declaration caught Popeye off guard for a moment, 'These young fellers sure like to shouts alot, his mammy musta not've taught him his indoor voice me thinks.' But a question popped into his head "Say, ain't there some better job fer ya to do? Army work ain't easy work I'll tell ya." He spoke from experience, after all he had spent a good chunk of his life in the navy. "But you has to do what you has to do, see you around young feller, best of luck to yas." And with that, Popeye was off, leaving Tatsumi to follow his own path in life. He remembered being like that himself once. Young, prideful and block headed. In fact, he still was, but there was nothing to be done about it. It kept him alive this long hadn't it? Nothing much more to do now than to find what he came for...

Popeye was lost. He had been since that second left. Or was it the third right? Either way, he was stomping about the city in the glow of dusk over the horizon, in frustration hoping to find anything that could jog his memory as to where he had to look to find his goal. "That does it!" He roared, throwing his hat to the floor in anger. He trudged up to the nearest lamp post and with one arm, quite effortlessly, tore it from the ground before swinging his other fist into it, shattering it into... a pile of smaller oil lamps? Popeye had to admit, the work of spinach is a strange one but welcome all the same. He decided to take a much calmer walk through the city to calm his nerves. He retrieved his hat and set off. It didn't take long before a carriage pulled up alongside him. The sailor just thought the horses were tired of dragging people around all day. He would be too if he were in their position. "Oh you poor soul." A voice came from one of the passenger seats. "Let me introduce myself, I am Aria. I take in those who need shelter from this place at night. It can get quite dangerous you know? And you seem way out of your element. You're not from here are you?" Popeye was taken aback by this for just a moment. A kind person? In this city? Well what kind of man would he be if he didn't accept such a generous offer. So he did, by complete chance, Aria also seemed to pick up Tatsumi as well.

Once arriving at the mansion in which Aria and her parents all reside, the duo were treated to dinner, although Popeye didn't eat any of it, he had eaten quite a bit of spinach while getting lost. Not that he needed its power, just something to chew out of frustration. Popeye was shown to a room where he could rest for the night, and so he did...

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