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WHEN Charlotte appeared for lunch, Alex was waiting for her at the table. He

had put on a shirt and combed his straight hair, but that was all. Charlotte

meanwhile had showered and changed into a white poplin shift that left her arms

and most of her legs exposed to the sun.

After she was seated and Tina had served them each with a bowl of iced



, Alex spoke. "These past couple of hours," he said slowly. "Did

you enjoy yourself?" Charlotte decided to be honest, "Very much." "Then

don't you think it would be more sensible if we spent more time together?"

he suggested quietly.

Charlotte looked up and found his dark eyes upon her. She looked away

again. "What does that mean exactly?"

Alex's grimace was exasperated. "Well, it doesn't mean in bed, if that's what

you're afraid of I"

Charlotte spooned soup into her mouth. "Is that what you want?" she asked


Alex sighed. "Yes. I see no reason why we shouldn't

be - friends, at least."

"How can I be your friend?" Charlotte exclaimed, feeling almost a traitor at

the thought.

"How can you be my enemy?" he retorted, and with an exclamation of

impatience got up from the table and walked to the top of the shallow stairs

which led down into the hall. Then he turned to look at her, his hands in his

pockets, the dose-fitting pants exposing the taut muscles of his thighs.

"Charlotte, I've been very patient with you, more patient than you could have

expected me to be. Why do you continue to fight me every inch of the way? Is

your life here so miserable? Is it such an arduous existence I've chosen for


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Charlotte put down her spoon. "Those are not fair questions."

"I disagree. You're here, aren't you? And you are my wife. How many times

must I remind you of that?"

"I don't need reminding," she retorted, pushing back the heavy swathe of hair

which fell across her cheek. Then despising herself because of it, she added:

"Come and eat your lunch. You must be hungry."

Alex's eyes narrowed- "What do you care? You'd stand by and see me starve

I Don't deny it."

"But I do," she protested fiercely. "I -! wouldn't stand by and see anybody

starve I"

"Oh, thanks very much."

Alex resumed his seat, his expression sardonic, and with a feeling of remorse,

"Beware the beast"  كيف احيا معك بالانكليزية Anne MatherWhere stories live. Discover now