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ELENI arrived to see her great-grandson at lunch time, just after Doctor

Leonides and his nurse had arrived in the helicopter. Vittorio had been sent to

the mainland in the launch during the night to Fetch the doctor and his

assistant, and after they were safely landed, he flew back to Athens to collect the

nursery equipment waiting at a department store.

Nurse Hani was a middle-aged woman, with an air of friendly efficiency.

After Doctor Leonides had examined both Charlotte and the baby and

announced them in good condition, she took charge of things, organising the

household with gentle bat firm competence. By the time Eleni arrived,

Charlotte had been bathed and changed, the bedding renewed and the room

sweetly smelling of the flowers Maria had brought in from the garden.

Alex appeared, while Eleni was ensuring that Charlotte was quite recovered

from her labours, bathed and changed into beige corded pants and a cream silk

shirt. He had obviously slept for a while, and Charlotte was amazed at the

change in him after last night Gone was the look of weary defeat, the lines of

tiredness and exhaustion. He looked vibrantly alive and masculine, and his eyes

went straight to Charlotte's, exchanging with her a look of mutual experience.

"You realize walking across to see me was responsible for this, don't you?"

Eleni exclaimed, as Alex walked into the room, "I told her she should not have


Alex came to the bed, looking down at his son nestling in his mother's arms,

already turning that small mouth towards Charlotte for sustenance. "You should

be flattered, yaya," he responded almost absently, putting out a finger and

stroking a small wrist. "Not every girl would walk four miles in Charlotte's

condition-just to visit an old woman."

Eleni made an indignant sound. "And you should have been here to ensure

she didn't do such a thing!" she countered hotly. "I trust you will be staying


"Oh, yes," Alex nodded, his stroking finger prohing his son's tiny chin. "I

shall be staying now, shan't I, Charlotte?"

Charlotte didn't know how to answer him. She didn't honestly know what he

was saying. Unless he meant that as she would be leaving, he would be bound to

remain. At least until someone could be engaged to take care of the child. Her

heart lurched sickeningly. Oh, God, she thought desperately, she didn't want to

go ! She wanted to stay. Whatever he had said, whatever he had done, whatever

her motives for agreeing to his infamous contract, she wanted to stay. This was

her home - this man was her husband. And she loved him.

"Well, Charlotte?" Eleni was challenging her now. "Will Alex be staying or

"Beware the beast"  كيف احيا معك بالانكليزية Anne MatherWhere stories live. Discover now