Chapter 3

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    Monday rolled around quickly, and I was working on the plans to travel out of the country for the next pay per view. We are going to Puerto Rico, and I have to book the tickets for the planes and the private planes for the champions including myself. I turned my computer off after booking the last flight, just as I was standing up to join the meeting Rhea walked in.
    "Hey babe, are you ready to join us?" She asked as I walked around my desk to join her down to the stadium for a meeting right before RAW. We both made our way down to the stadium, since I was a director I had to be in the ropes with Paul so Rhea helped me up before going to sit down with the other super stars.
    "Kaylie, glad you could finally join us," Charlotte spoke up with a sarcastic tone. Paul simply looked back at me with an apologetic look, and signaled me to begin speaking.
   "Thank you for that wonderful introduction Charlotte," I smirked in her direction. "But I hope everyone is ready to head to the airport once tonight is over with. I have emailed everyone their airline tickets, and for my champions. This includes myself, we had the budget for three private jets. Judgment day you are with me, for my other champions you are able to choose who joins you. Just send me an email for those you choose so I can get the money back from the airline, so private planes are a future option. And for those who don't have belts, this gives you more motivation to get them." Charlotte clearly was not interested in what I had to say other than private jets, which she doesn't qualify for unless she smuggled her way in with someone else. I stepped back signaling that I was finished allowing Paul to step forward and speak on his behalf. 

     "Thank you Kaylie, when we arrive in Puerto Rico all of you are to check into your hotel before going off to explore and have fun before the big event this Friday. Lets make sure we are all on our best behavior, I am not dealing with adults acting like children," Paul looked directly at the Eclipse like he was saying that directly towards them. I could see the smirk plaster on my girlfriend's face, she realised it was towards them too. Paul dismissed all of us to get ready for tonight, Dom and I exchanged looks as I stepped down from the ring to head back to my office. 

   "Hey Kaylie, wait up!" Dom called for me as I made my way to my office. We both walked in as I sat down at my desk and pulled out my makeup kit and mirror to get ready for tonight. 

   " Don't you have to get ready for tonight?" I asked turning on the light that connected to my mirror, and opened my makeup bag. He sat down in the chair before my desk, since I have joined the Judgement day, Dom and I have become quite close. I mean we are both Hispanic, and love Rhea just in different ways. 

   "Yeah, but it doesn't take me as long as it does you. Especially with all that makeup you and Rhea have to put on. But that is not why I am here." Dom looked like he had something on his mind, that I was not going to be very happy about. I knew what it was in the back of my mind, but I didnt want to hear him actually say what I thought he was going to say. " I am going to call out Edge for what he said to you a few weeks ago, and I want you to understand something." j

    I sighed and started my makeup as he spoke, my eyes moving back and fourth from my own reflection, to his gaze. " Let me guess, I need to be ready for the reaction that is going to come out of Demi?" I asked using Rhea's government name. 

    " Well, yes. When this all goes down, the Rhea in that ring now is going to change. She is going to be ruthless and it might spill over into your home life. We all know how she can take things too seriously with work," He had a caring look in his eyes, which I appreciated. But he was right about everything he was saying. As soon as Rhea learns what happened that night, she is going to go insane. I just hope she doesn't do anything too crazy, simply because when she gets mad she is liable for anything. 


      I just finished getting ready, I was wearing a black and purple lace leotard with a tulle train attached to the waist line. I was not anticipating a fight tonight but just in case the skirt was detachable as always, my eyes covered with purple contacts. I pushed in my fangs and slipped on my black and purple Jordans that all of the Judgement day were known for wearing, which were very comfortable. My hair was neatly curled into a pony tail, I took one final look in the mirror before exiting my office to go down to the dressing room that was reserved for my girlfriend. "Baby, you in here?" I asked peeking my head around the door. Rhea was in her chair, with Claire our makeup artist working on the final touches to her look for the night. Her hair was slicked back and she had her normal dark makeup painted on her face perfectly. 

    "Yeah I'm in here with Claire, I shouldn't be too much longer," I walked in the room and sat on the counter before them. "Dont you look gorgeous, like always." I blushed slightly at Rhea's comment, she reached for me and I took her hand. She lightly squeezed my hand and pulled me towards her, her black painted lips kissed the top of my hand then let me go. I just hope tonight doesn't go too bad, because I love this version of Rhea. 

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