Chapter 4

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         All of the Judgment Day was waiting in the Gorilla, Dom and I kept exchanging glances. Some worried and others reassuring, as we waited for our song to play. My heart was beating out my chest, I am shocked no one could hear it. Soon enough the beginning of The Other Side began to play and we all got into our places, which was Rhea led the group, while the boys lined up and I followed behind them a few paces back. We made our way out to the ring, and Dom glanced back at me as he and Rhea waited to let me in the ring. I was their queen, so it had to look like I was protected and respected by all of Judgment day. I took Rhea's hand and stepped between the ropes to the center of the ring. My hands were almost visibly shaking as a mic was handed to Dom, he made one last look at me and began to speak. " I have a problem with people trying to hurt others, and bring them down," Rhea, Finn, and Damian looked slightly confused at his opening statement. 

    "A few weeks ago, someone caught Vampyer off guard in the parking garage and said something I find unforgivable," Dom looked to the gorilla knowing what will soon unfold. Rhea looked at me confused and exchanged a few glances with the others. " Edge your rated R superstar, told our leader, she should take the easy way out. While she was standing at the edge of the multiple story parking garage-" just as I thought out came the Eclipse, with Charlotte in the front, Edge and Dakota Kai following behind her mics in all of their hands. 

    "I mean can you blame him? I figured your little leader would have cried wolf by now, but I guess she has more thick skin than I thought she would," Charlotte smirked as they climbed into the ring. I felt a firm grip on my hand, and looked to see Rhea with a look in her eyes I haven't seen in a long time. She didn't even look at me, she was locked on Edge. "But why don't you tell the whole story Vampyer? or should we show them?" The big screen turned on with a bad quality phone recording of that night.

    "Why are you out here all alone?" Edge walked up behind me as I looked out over the side of the garage by myself

"Why would it matter to you?" I asked clearly lacing my words with venom. He smirked and came closer with each breath I took, until he was about a foot from my body.
"Just take the easy way out, and this will all be over," his voice echoed swiftly through the walls.

   "What do you mean by that?" My voice was clearly shaking in the video as Edge stepped closer to me, making me back up into the cold concrete that was keeping me from hitting the ground below. 

     " You ruined the one friendship you had, among others over what? Rhea Ripley?  Wasn't she the one who ruined you in the beginning? I mean she shattered you without even caring that she did." The video ended and Rhea's grip was so tight I felt the blood leaving my veins. 

     "What is even more disappointing is, you gave us proof that you did and said those things," Dom almost growled. Rhea finally let me go and snatched the mic from his hands, Dom quickly ran to my side and gripped my upper arms in the chance she would do something rash. 

      "HOW DARE YOU!" her voice rumbled against the speakers in the stadium, I wasn't even paying attention to the crowd at this point. I was just worried about the actions my own girlfriend might take, my hand fiddled with the promise ring she gave me. "You chose to go after her when she was at her lowest? She still had her back bandaged from the time she was out for 6 weeks, and you chose to corner her?" Rhea kept taking steps to Edge not even caring that Charlotte was standing right next to her. 

     "I gave her the best option, I mean if you think about it. She gave up everything for you, her own best friend of how many years? 5 years?" Edge was trying to get into her head, I mean hell he was getting into mine. "She gave it all up, to stand by your side Rhea." 

     "If Charlotte was any friend of hers, she would have accepted me with open arms. But here she is trying to play games with my girlfriend's head, you had no place to say those things to her. You have no place to breathe in her direction," She was almost nose to nose with Edge and Dom kept pulling me back to the edge of the ring in case anything happened. Finn and Damian were already gearing up for a fight. Next thing I knew mics were being thrown and Rhea punched Edge, which caused Charlotte to pull her back and they went at it. Finn and Damian both went for Edge, leaving Dakota once again eyeballing me. She took three steps to me and before I knew it Rhea grabbed her ankle pulling her down, "Don't you touch her!" Rhea was taking both Charlotte and Dakota because of me. 

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