Chapter One - Leaving Azrelia

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     Crown Prince Alexander Hunton scoffed as he closed his bedroom door. His parents had been berating him because of his powers for the past two months, and he had had enough. He walked over to his balcony and looked out over the islands that made up Azrelia. Sighing, he turned around again, walking over to his bookcase and grabbing a book before walking to his closet. 

     "Time to escape.." He whispered as he started to pack clothes and a few other things into a bag. 

     He opened the book once he was done, looking through it until he reached the page with a waterproofing spell on it. First he waterproofed the stuff inside his bag and the book itself, and then he waterproofed the bag. 

     With a sigh, he put the book into his bag and zipped it up. As a last second thought, he took his crown off his head and waterproofed it before putting it in the bag. With that, he slid the bag's strap over his head and under his arm, securing it onto his side. He froze for a second and he heard someone outside his room. 

     "Alex? Are you okay?" His little sister, Princess Jazzi, asked. 

     He frowned, knowing he would be leaving the sweet girl behind. 

     "I'm alright Jazzi.." He replied, walking over to the door and opening it.

     "Why do you have a bag?" Jazzi asked, tilting her head. 

     "I'm leaving Jazz.. I can't deal with mom and dad anymore. I'll come back for you when I can okay? And don't tell anyone." 

     Jazzi nodded. 

     "I won't tell, brother. I'll miss you.. Please hurry back.." 

     Alexander smiled, hugging his sister one last time before shooing her down the hall and closing the door. 

     Praying no one heard their conversation, he walked out onto his balcony. Climbing over the edge, he took one last look at his room before jumping off. Using his magic, he created a small storm cloud, which he landed on. He rode the cloud down to the courtyard, careful to avoid anywhere he could be seen. 

     Once the cloud touched the ground, it disintegrated into a puddle. He quickly took a look around before running towards the bridge. Louis, the only damn guard he trusted in this place, saw him running towards him.

     "Finally decided to run, did you?" He asked as the prince reached him.

     "Yes, I did. I promise you I'll come back for you though. You and my sister." 

     "I know you will Alex. Now go, before you're spotted." 

     Alexander nodded, running towards and sliding under the closing gate. He knew he had to hurry, cause his parents would be going to check his room very soon. He ran across the bridge and into the first village, quickly hiding from the people. As he turned down an alleyway, he ran into something. Actually, more like someone.

     "Prince Alexander?" The surprised village girl spoke in a quiet voice, which Alexander was thankful.

     "Please, for the love of all things good, forget you saw me." 

     The village girl seemed to realize what he was doing and grabbed his arm, pulling him behind her and a bunch of stacked crates as a man came around the corner.

     "Kelsi? What are you doing out here?" 

     "Oh! Hey dad! Sorry, I come out here to sketch sometimes." The girl, Kelsi, seemed nervous. 

     "Of course. Well, don't stay out too long. We'll be having dinner in about an hour." 

     "Alright dad." Kelsi seemed to sigh as her dad went inside, and she turned back to the prince. 

    "You're lucky I saw him. Now, I know you're running off. Wouldn't it just be easier for me to come with you?"

     "Come with me? Oh hell no."

     Kelsi huffed, rolling her eyes.

     "You do know they'll torture me just to get the information out of me, right? And I won't have a choice but to tell them I saw you, and from the looks of it, you're heading to Aquamarine." 

     "God dammit. For one, you're too damn observant. For two, you're right. Fuck. Go get some shit to take with you and meet me out here in 20 minutes." 

     "How will I get out without getting seen?" 

     "Go out your window." Alexander said with a shrug, leaning against the wall.

      Kelsi nodded, hurrying into her house. Alexander took the chance to grab the book out of his bag and look up the spell again. He was looking over the spell, trying to memorize it permanently when Kelsi dropped to the ground next to him with a soft *thump*. He looked at her, and back at the book before closing it and putting it away. 

     "I need to put a waterproof spell on your bag and the things inside it." He said.

     Kelsi nodded, handing him the bag and watching closely as he did the spell. Once he was finished, he situated her bag around her the same way he had his and gently grabbed her wrist. He lead her down around the buildings, avoiding people as best he could.

     "Prince Alexander? How do you plan to get to the boats? We're like, five islands away, and they leave in 10 minutes." 

     Alexander stopped at that, cursing under his breathe.

     "One, just call me Alex. Less attention grabbing. Two, do you know a place where we can hide so I can use my magic to get us to the boats?" 

     Kelsi nodded, taking the lead. After 3 minutes, they made it to a part of the island covered in trees. Another minute later, they stood in a clearing.

     "Here we are Pri-Alex." She flushed, almost calling him Prince Alexander again.

     Alex (A/N: Imma just all him Alex from now on TT) smiled, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her into him.


     She did as he said, jumping with him and landing on a small storm cloud. He pulled her slightly closer and wrapped his arm around her waist before steering the cloud upwards. Once they cleared the trees, he sped over top of them. They made it to the boats with two minutes to spare. Once Kelsi spotted a deserted place on the boat, Alex landed the cloud an they quickly found a place to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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