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Hello. Welcome to the story of "The Tale of Two Paradox". This story is mainly to encourage young girls and women out there to muster up their courage in this chaos world. Nowadays, it is hard to live up to people expectation as we chase to gain fame and money but not passion. The real them that seeping out slowly out of their life unknowingly. Losing ourselves to fit the frame of society want. 

Question yourself this:

1. Why do I want to chase something which is not meant for me?

2. Why do I have to follow the words society thrown to us to survive as human being?

3. Why do we live?

Picture yourself answering this especially if you are in your 20s. Do we need to live to other people desirable life and goals? To have big house, to have lots of money, to be popular and pretty, to be a known person in the world and neglect your own mental health leading yourself to soulless indecisive goals. Does it worth it?

If you want to find the answer to this question you can follow the story POV of Lunar towards the cruel perception of society that when people unfit, they are loser . Which is not the idea of Lunar whom remained to be unbothered. She have her own opinion that will one day show the world how truly wrong the world shape into. 

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