The Wound is at Her Heart

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Raining.. the rain keeps pouring. Haunted by the memories of them. Laughing at the joy of my misery. It wasn't the best one when I started my high school. I wasn't this miserable.

23rd January , 8.00 a.m.

I got into late to this school. I had to move into this place regarding of my dad's workplace. He got promoted in his company to America. We moved to this very cold place called "Hartfield". I thought since I was the new transfer student from another country, a polite treatment will be given to me. I was wrong. The Hartfield High School isn't for "a foreigner" like me. Just as I got in with my pink vest and long flowery skirt, a group of boys laughed at me. Called me with silly names like "Dirt girl". "Barbie girl". "Over hippie wannabe". My cheeks flushed. They laughed as I am their clown. I clinged to my binder tightly. Their laughter was louder, I couldn't hold my embarassment for too long. I went ran to the girls bathroom. Crying my eyes out. I looked into my bags to hold onto something. My comfort. My favourite doll, Leila. She was a gift from my best friend as our last depart. I hold onto it until I felt somehow relief on my chest. Girls in the bathroom looked at me with disgust.

The bells ringing. I wiped my tears, sling my bag to my shoulder then went ran to search for my classroom. Alas, I was late, I got free detention just from a teacher walking in the hallway. I felt scared seriously. I wasn't expect anyone to look for students at the hall. Back in my country, we still went to the classroom even if its late, no teacher were there to get mad at us. I knocked the door of my classroom, English. A middle-aged woman is waiting for me in the class. She smiled at me and told me to sit at one of the desk. The class was peaceful even I got snickered or thrown paper by the boys and some girls.. Ms Valentine advice them thoroughly. At first, they weren't scared but at the mention of her husband Mr. Valentine they were trembling. I almost laughed at that sight.

As the class finished, Ms Valentine called out to me. She told me if I need any help, she is there for me. Her smile is warm, I immediately hugged her. She rubbed my back and whispered me to be strong always. I nod at her.

Class went well till afternoon. In Science class, we were assigned to be with a partner. I tried to look around, everyone have their own partner until a boy is left available. Although he wasn't nice to me, I give a smile and handshake as our first introduction. He obliged and told me his name was Gerald. Gerald have a very different odor. Some of them giggled when they saw me partnering with him but I told myself it is just for a while. PE wasn't my favourite, if I recalled it was Mr. Valentine, the husband of my English teacher. He was strict and forbid any boys or girls having any irrelevant excuse to quit or rest. Harsh but it was for our own healthy. Lastly, history. I was hopelessly clueless with the history of America. I wasn't that interested to know about their history however since I have move myself into this place I must know their history as well. (I hate history). Mr. Varon gave me a sharp look and always hinted that he despised me. Not everyone know his hinted joke because it was so outdated. He always smirked at me like he had given awesome comeback. The students were clueless at him. Not knowing what in the hell is he talking about.

The bell school rang. Well.. the school has ended. Isn't the day is fine? Not for me.. A black Sudan car parked in front of my school. I know very well it was my father but.. surprise.. surprise.. A teenage girl around 16 or 17 years old with her black shade and fashionable outfit came out of the car. She looked like a freaking popstar.

That reminded of me that I never have a mom. She got died while giving me birth. Although, I was yearning years for years the love of a mother but... I like it if it was only my dad to take care of me. He is busy when he got promoted so he called in a babysitter for me, the plastic blonde babysitter. The one who is taking me home.

"Hey girl, what's your name?" she removed her shade and revealed her blue ocean eyes.

"Lun.. Lunar." I whispered nervously.

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