Don't Be Fast

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Fatima; Hey auntie
Kiera: Don't hey auntie me young lady Zachery go to bed (Zac looks at Fatima and then at her)
Zac: Sorry
Kiera: Mhmm go on (Zac walks away and Fatima left standing) Fatima talk to me?
Fatima: I don't want talk right now please just give me awhile
Kiera: Okay I will give you space but don't you be being fast with that boy kissing leads to pregnancy
Farina: Auntie?
Kiera: What it does goodnight church in the morning baby (she kisses her auntie goodnight and heads to bed)
Summer:(Fatima gets in the bed with her) What the world?
Fatima: I got tell you something
Ray Ray (sits up) What?
Fatima: I kissed Zac
Ray Ray: Fatima you did?
Summer: Fatima No ugh (turns around)
Ray Ray: So you like Zac now?
Summer: Oh be quiet Ray Ray Fatima please get out of the bed with me (she pushes her and Fatima almost falls)
Fatima: Summer you just said the other night
Summer; Forget it your wrong leave me alone (Fatima gets in the bed and looks at Ray Ray)
The next morning Kiera wakes the kids up to pancakes eggs and bacon and sausage and cheese grits.
Summer: Good morning
Ray Ray: Good morning
Fatima: Good morning
Tony: Good morning
Nathan: Morning everyone
Zac: What up what up
Kiera: Nothing did you repent last night?
Zac: Ummm...
Joseph: For?
Kiera: Fatima and Zac lips fell on each other
Joseph: Kiera Please no talking about lip locking before I had my OJ anyway if it's new day we have moved on besides right now I think you need work on earning your trust with Fatima back again
Fatima: That's right
Joseph: Fatima
Fatima: Sorry we'll what do we have planned today?
Joseph: Bible school and then church conference tonight (all the kids say oh boy) You guys don't have to go in fact I think you guys should enjoy your Friday
Fatima: For real?
Nathan; How you gone say that my daddy the pastor?
Joseph: He knows
Tony; We going to hell
Summer; That part
Ray Ray: No we ain't if Uncle Joseph say no we ain't then
Joseph; Yup eat up and enjoy (they say grace and eat)

Later on that day at vocational Bible studies the kids all have fun and then eat lunch. Summer avoids Fatima all day and she does to tell her uncle about what's going on.

Joseph: I see Fatima well you might want to apologize
Fatima: But she said she doesn't like him (Joseph's looks confused)
Joseph; Oh I see now baby girl come here (she goes to sit closer to her uncle)
Fatima: Yes?
Joseph; Baby I think it's time you ask something that everyone else thinks
Fatima: What's that?
Joseph; Baby you need ask Summer okay (Fatima nods and leaves his office)

Later on that afternoon the kids go to the mall and skating and the movies and then Aunt Kiera comes to pick them up.

Kiera: How was the mall and skating and the movies?
Zac: Good it was good to have a break
Tony: Yeah that part auntie
Kiera: Good
Fatima: That movie was boring tho
Summer: It was not
Ray Ray: Yeah Fatima it was boring
Zac: It was straight
Tony: Yeah I fell asleep I'm tired
Nathan; Me too
Kiera: We'll I'm drop you boys off at Nathan parents house behave
Zac: You know I will Mrs.Kiera and so will your nephew Tony
Kiera: Mhmmm you girls want ice cream?
Fatima: I'm stuffed auntie
Ray Ray: Me too
Summer: I'm not
Kiera: Okay Baskin and Robin it is (they pull and order and sit and talk for awhile) so Fatima we are gone have a girls day tomorrow
Fatima:(smiles) I would like that auntie
Kiera: Good (they finish eating and head to the pastor house he lets all of the kids stay there and Kiera heads home)

The next day Kiera picks Fatima up and takes her to the mall the go shopping and buy a few things and then head home.

Kiera: You want pizza tonight?
Fatima: Sure I'm see if that's okay with Tony
Kiera: Okay cool (she goes to Tony room and knocks)
Tony:(opens the door) Yeah?
Fatima: Pizza?
Tony: Hell yes
Joseph; (walks by) Boy?
Tony: Heck yeah my bad hey Ti come in here I need talk to you
Fatima: What's up?
Tony; It's summer
Fatima: What about her?
Tony; I think she obsessed with you (he shows her the camera
Fatima: Oh my God
Tony: Shhhh we don't want Auntie to find out she will never let her back in you know how she feels about gay people
Fatima: (hit him) You don't know that
Tony; Think about my mother she never lets her visit me when I am here for the summer
Fatima: Cause your mother not a Christian
Tony; No she is gay my mother is a Christian she use to be married to a pastor but he beat on her
Fatima:(looks at him confused) Wait what?
Tony: Yeah that's why she doesn't like me living with my mother Nathan not my cousin he is actually my brother
Fatima: What? So pastor is your father?
Tony: Yes he is

Keep Your Friends Close But Keep Your Enemies Closer (Fatima Erica Wilson Story Where stories live. Discover now