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"Ayli Elizabeth! Your father and I are going out!" my mother yelled from downstairs.
"Alright! I might be at my guitar lesson when you get back!" I called back. I heard my parents leave and watched as they got in the car and left. I grabbed my radio, popped in Cryptic Writings, a Megadeth CD, my favorite, and turned up the volume as the introduction of Trust blasted through the speakers. I sang along and danced as I got ready. I put my black hair in a high ponytail. I slipped into a pair of black shorts and a Slayer crop top and put my combat boots on. I applied red lipstick and dark makeup on. I took one last look at myself and smiled. I turned my radio off and walked out, grabbing my guitar on my way out. I laid it in the back seat of my Volkswagen van and started driving.
"You good-for-nothing son of a bitch!" her words shot daggers into my back. I dodged the shoe she hurled at me.
"Why are you throwing shit?" I yelled back. I have no idea why we are fighting. It's the third time today. She threw another shoe at me, only this time it hit me in the leg.
"Whatever! I'm leaving!" I said, storming out. "Maybe when I get back, we can TALK this out!"
"Fuck you!" she yelled. I slammed the door and got a cigarette out and lit it. I inhaled and immediately, my nerves settled. I just want this day to be over with. I got in my car and drove my side job, giving guitar lessons. I jammed out to the radio as I went. When I arrived, I walked in, earning some 'Hey's from the staff, I waved at them, but a young girl browsing through the vinyls caught my attention. She had long black hair that was in a ponytail. She wore black shorts and a Slayer cut-off shirt with combat boots. This must be my new customer. What was her name? It must've slipped my mind when Pamela and I had the fight. I rubbed my face with my hand, then through my hair. Ayli, that's her name.
"Miss Ayli?" I spoke up. She turned around and her face twisted in shock and confusion.
"Holy fuck, I mean shit, I mean cow," she stopped, shaking her head. "You're Dave Mustaine!"
I chuckled, "yes, I am. I'm also your guitar teacher."
Her face brightened and she grabbed her guitar and followed me. I couldn't help but think she was attractive. She was gorgeous. No, stop, Dave. You have a wife. We began our lesson.
Dave fucking Mustaine was my guitar teacher. What are the odds?
"Alright, so, first we're gonna start off learning the basic notes and where they are on the neck," he said, pulling his long locks to the side.
"This is the E note," he said, glancing up at me, then playing the note. "Now, you try."
I hit the note and looked up at him to see him staring at me.
"How was that?" I asked. Silence. "Dave?" Silence, again. "Uh, Mr. Mustaine?" This time I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, sorry about that," he chuckled. "Alright, this is F."
We did this until our session was up. This was easier than I thought.
"Wow, I must say you're quite the fast learner, Ayli," he smiled his gorgeous smile at me. I blushed and thanked him. He looked down at me, smiling.
"I guess I should get going," I said, blushing.
"I'll walk you to your car," he insisted. I smiled and we walked to my van.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Mustaine," I said, hanging my head out the window, looking at him. He smiled up at me.
"Call me Dave," he responded, winking at me, and turned and walked away, saying bye. I smiled and blushed and turned my car on and drove home.
I met my idol today.
Hey, guys, I hope you like this story!
picture is of Dave. c:
-Lexi xx

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