hello again

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*buzz buzz*
I wake up to my alarm, the alarm I set 3 hours before this one, at 8am, it's been about a week since me and rec last spoke, I've been too focused on the film. I was up all night rehearsing my lines in frustration. Now I have about an hour to get ready before I start to second guess myself and my career choice. I'm exhausted from the night before so I don't even bother to put much effort into my appearance, nothing but minimal makeup and a quick and easy hairstyle. On the way to set, i play my favorite feel good song that gives me all the energy I need, vamos a la playa. I dance and sing along the whole way to set.

When I arrive at set I can feel my whole body tense up the second I enter the doors, I have been having trouble with my lines, delivering them and remembering them. I've never had an issue like this before, normally I'm extremely good at memorizing lines but for some reason I just can't seem to when I'm on set with him. I can't seem to function right at all, I'm constantly thinking about what he's thinking, does he regret choosing me for this role? does he think I'm not capable? does he think about...me?. I spend the rest of my hours on set consumed with getting my lines right and rehearsing as much as I can, I even ask some background actors on set to help me; I'm desperate. I'm so into character and really feeling my lines as cherry, cherry is the character I'm playing, she's a dancer who loves cherries., when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look up and there he is. "Hello again"

the filmmaker, a recdaniel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now