The world is too cruel for both of us

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The straw hats finally threw off the navy. The princess was nowhere to be seen by Nami as she glanced over everyone on the crew. Her heart ached in pain when she realized she wasn't with them. "I miss her" she whines. Even though she desperately wanted Vivi to join them, she understood that the blue-haired princess had responsibilities as a princess.

"Looks like we finally made it off the island," Another feminine voice in the ship caught the navigator by surprise. She frowned. "Good job"

"Here to avenge your organization?! I'll take you on!" Zoro reached out for his swords, ready to attack, as did the other members of the ship.

"Why are you here?" Nami shouted, the memories of the older woman ditching her flashing through her eyes. Anger and frustration but still some fear as she grabbed tightly onto her only weapon,

" Didn't I tell you before not to point anything dangerous at me?" there all their weapons dropped.

"How long have you been on this ship?!"

"All this time..." She replied, nonchalantly. "These are your clothes, right? I'm borrowing them." With that, the younger woman's face turned red.

"What are you trying to do, Baraque Works?!!" Nami yelled, frustrated. But the raven hair's attention was on their captain and their captain only.

"Monkey D. Luffy...You haven't forgotten what you did to me, have you?" Luffy frowns, getting all defensive.

"Hey, you! Don't lie! I didn't do anything to you!" The older woman chuckles softly, taking a seat.

"Yes, you did. What you did to me was unbearable. Take responsibility." Curious, Nami glanced at their captain for an explanation.

"You don't make sense! What do you want me to do?!"

"Let me... Join your crew."

The navigator grew pale, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"You made me live even when I wanted to die. That's your crime. Since I have nowhere to go or return to, let me stay on this ship." The raven hair spoke carelessly.

Nami didn't want to believe any of those words. How can a beautiful, intelligent and powerful woman not have a place to stay?!


It could've been a lie. Yes, that's it.

Miss All Sunday was their enemy. No matter what she says or does, Nami won't let her guard down.

"Answer my question honestly!" Usopp slammed his hand on the table. "I will ask you one more time. What's your name?"

"My name is Nico Robin" she smiled, a genuine smile that sent butterflies bursting in Nami's stomach.

"What is your occupation?"

Raven hair tilted her head slightly and shrugged her shoulders, saying, "I wanted to become an archaeologist until I became a wanted criminal when I was eight years old. Since then, I've spent the past 20 years hiding from the world. But then, there was no way for a child to be able to survive alone on the sea. So, in order to protect myself and achieve my goal, I have followed various rogues". There was no emotional attachment to her words. It was as if she was speaking as if her experiences were normal.

But unfortunately, the ginger hair had already convinced herself that whatever Robin was rambling about were all lies. She scoffed.

"She was the vice president of a crime syndicate until just recently. How are we gonna let such a woman join us?" the navigator's eyes narrow. "Even if you could deceive those idiots, you can't deceive me. If you pull any weird stunts like last time, I will kick you out!!" Giggles left from the older woman as she rested her head on her hand, watching the navigator with loving eyes.

"Okay, I will keep that in mind." her smile spreads across her face as she places a strange bag on the table. "Oh I just remembered, I brought some of crocodile's jewelry with me..." with those words the younger woman had already been clinging onto her.

"Wow! I love you already~!!" Robin lets out a chuckle as the ginger haired count out the jewelry. "By the way, Navigator..." she tilts the younger woman's chin up. Blue meets brown. She smiles as the wind brushes her skin. "Is it smooth sailing right now?"

"Wind, weather...?" The youner woman took a moment to come to her senses. She pauses, hesitating as she remembers the promise she made to herself, then glances back at the jewelry. "Both no problem! It's running very smoothly, Robin-cha--san~!" Nami lets out a nervous laugh-- making sure to keep a clear distance from the other woman.

And there was Robin.

The younger woman still didn't trust the raven hair not one bit. Her crew was the small circle of friends who she trusted with her life. Even if Robin was part of it, the ginger couldn't help but be on her guard around her.

She stares hard at the only bed she had in her room, then glimpses at Robin, who had tilted her head. The atmosphere was too thick for Nami to breathe.

"You can take the bed-- if you need anything comfortable to wear, you are welcome to borrow my clothes... again." The ginger sighs, messing her short hair as she tiredly walks towards the door.

"What about you?" Robin asks, flopping on the bed.

"I will sleep outside; the weather is pleasant anyway."

"What if you catch a cold?"

"We have chopper."

"I appreciate your generosity, but you really don't have to--"

"I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you sleep outside, so I insist." Her eyes begging to close, Nami grows less patient with the older woman.

"You don't have to? we can both just sleep on the same bed?"


There the silence was louder than ever. A blush creeps up on the younger woman's face but luckly Nami was too tired to deal with any of this. So, she rubs her eyes, forcing them to look at the woman before her.

"Just. Don't try to kill me in my sleep. I am still too young to die." The Navigator murmurs, facing the wall. Robin chuckles and throws the blanket on top of her.

"Say, Robin-cha...san," the ginger hair clears her throat. Turning to the woman who was sitting at the corner of the bed, she tilts her head, waiting for her to continue. "Was it true? Were you really been targeted ever since you were eight?" There was a long pause, Robin's expression was unreadable.

"My mother... was being chased down by the government and once they found out I am her daughter they started chasing after me as well." It wasn't the whole truth, but enough to answer her question. Nami closes her eyes, humming at her reply.

"I was a slave."

This takes a whole turn. It was sudden and deep that Robin frowned, staring at the young woman concerned "Slave?"

"I was raised in a poor village but then I was kidnapped and forced to become a cartographer for Arlong at a young age..." the navigator chuckles, messaging her temple "He made a deal with me and if I brought him $100,000,000...he would free the village I was raised in. The naive kid I was, I Of Course believed it and would steal from pirates, steal from anyone and collect as much as I could while working under Arlong for 8 years only to realize... that all that effort was for nothing..." Silence filled the room, mostly because Robin was taking all the new information in and before she could say anything soft snores came from the other woman. Robin's laughter was soft and light, finding the younger woman cute.

"I wonder what you would have been like if Arlong hadn't entered your life." She whispers to herself, placing her head on the Navigator's arm and holding her waist with her other hand. "Would you still be the same person?" Robin closes her eyes, listening to the other woman's soft snores. "Perhaps the world is too cruel for both of us."


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