Soft Sides

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"You ready, Karane?"

The blonde girl stays quiet at Y/n's question who embarrassingly turns away. "I-I'll walk with you only because you can't see with that black eye on your face!" She shouts at him who smiles softly.

"I can see perfectly fine... You don't have to worry about me..."

"I-Idiot! It's not like I'm worried about you or anything!"

"Okay, Karane..." Y/n said before reaching out to grab her hand. She flinched on command, she gets mushy on the inside as the heavy blush on her face confirms it.

Y/n takes notice of it.

"Are you okay, Karane?"

"Perfectly fine!" She remarked suddenly as he doesn't let it get to him. "Okay... Making sure..." he said and they both walked off hand in hand.

Their walk wasn't far but Y/n made sure to make the most out of it, getting his grip comfortable while glancing over to Karane who still rocked with the blush on her face.

This went on for a little bit, their homes not so far until they found themselves at a split on the road.

"Alright, you can go now..." immediately Karane said as she lets go of Y/n's hand. That threw him off. "Why?"

"Because your home is the other way, dummy!"

"But... I wanna walk with you..."

Karane scoffed, baffled at his logic. "Are you daff? That would mean you have to walk far!"

"It's fine..." Y/n smiles softly. "I wanna walk with you because I just want to be with you a little longer..." the boy explained, leaving the blonde girl a blushing mess.

"It's not like that made me happy or anything!" She turns away from the boy as he grabs her hand and was met with the same reaction the first time he grabbed it today and walked once more.

And like the first time, it was quiet.

Even though no words were exchanged, Y/n was happy to be by Karane's side on the walk home. He swung around their intertwined hands happily through the neighborhood until,

"Look, Karane..."

Y/n spits something.

"What?" She asked as he points at the ground.

"It's a cat..."

Then, Karane gasps and walked to the small gray cat that laid on the ground like a loaf. And although a stranger approached the little feline, it glanced at the blonde girl before accepting the pets it received.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the moment, he decided to pull out his phone and take a second to snap a photo of Karane and the little kitty.


The photo has been taken.

Y/n takes a second to admire the cute display on his phone as Karane pets the kitty playfully.


Something was off.

Y/n takes a second to glance at Karane in the photo and a thought pops in his mind.

Has she ever smiled this much since they started dating?

The boy has never seen Karane smiled so brightly ever since they were dating a few months ago. In that quick second, he wants to believe if there was something wrong in the relationship.

...No, that's not it... I'm just overthinking it...

He shook the thought away as he finds Karane rubbing the belly of the cat and takes another photo. He chuckles at the girl.

"You like cats a lot, Karane..."

"I do..."


Then Karane realized what she said and the smile suddenly disappears.

"It's not like they're cute or anything!" She shouted at him which scared a small being nearby.

The orange cat jumped up to his feet, frightened as he scurried away from the loud commotion. Karane watched before that frown turns into a little pout and turns to Y/n.

"Look what you did! You made the cat run away!" she said as Y/n was ready to retaliate.

But that pout.

...That gosh darn pout... It's too cute...

Y/n decided to give in to defeat.

"Sorry, sorry..."

"You better be..." she stood up and starts walking down the remaining route with Y/n and they stopped at her house.

Y/n decided to give Karane a kiss on the cheek before parting away but she crosses her arms at him. "I'm still mad at you..." she said as Y/n apologized once more.

"Hmph..." she turns away from him as Y/n tries to do something to get her to greet him away with a small gesture.

A kiss or even just a small hug as he spreads his arms out to his girlfriend.

"I'll see you at school?"


She only turns away more as the h/c gets the gesture, his trying smile suddenly grew sad. "Okay... See you tomorrow..." he said before walking away from his girlfriend, respecting her space and went home.


Karane's frown turned into a more guilty expression when she saw Y/n turned the corner and out of her sight.

And once that was done, her eyes grew teary as she tries her best to not let them fall from her face, gritting her teeth angrily at herself.

"...I'm sorry... for yelling at you... I don't really deserve you..." her voice cracked quietly before heading into her home.

Karane Inda x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now