power outage

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it was currently winter time in tokyo, japan where nanase nijiro lived in a college apartment with his girlfriend, y/n.

the time was 10 at night, nanase and y/n were watching a movie, some random romcom they had found on netflix.

y/n was busy clowning on the main female protagonist, as she was quite cringey.

nanase was quietly listening, relishing in the sound of his beloved girlfriend's voice. he would take any chance to listen to her voice, he loved the sound of it. he would give anything just to hear her speak, to hear her voice.

nanase was a great listener, and so was y/n. they would often take turns ranting to each other, offering words of advice if asked for.

it stayed like that for a bit, until all the lights around them shut off, including the tv. the heater turned off too, in the dead of winter.

"what happened?" nanase question, slightly scared.

"just a power outage niji! no need to worry, i'll go grab the candles!" y/n replied, slightly excited, she loves power outages.

y/n swiftly turned on her phone flashlight and began to make her way to the cupboard filled with candles she had made.

she took out a couple, a tall star shaped one, a short square one, a circular one of medium height, and a short heart shaped one.

she placed them on the nightstands positioned on both sides of the bed before rummaging through the nightstand drawer for a lighter.

she let out a little 'ah hah!' as she found one and began to light the candles one by one.

"niji, can you go grab the blankets from the hallway closet? it's gonna be cold until the power gets turned back on." y/n requested.

"sure!" he replied, happy to help.

nanase made his way out of the bedroom and into the hallway, quickly opening the closet door and pulling out a stack of blankets. he shut the door with his foot and carried them to the bed.

he and y/n made quick work of spreading the blankets over the bed that was now covered in 5 blankets.

both of them slipped into the warmth of the blankets.

nanase's arms wrapping around y/n's waist as she threw her leg over his torso.

her head was pressed comfortably to his chest as his hands tangled in her hair, softly combing through it with his fingers, lulling her into the sweet embrace of sleep.

"i love you, niji." she whispered before finally succumbing to her tiredness.

"I love you too, n/n." he replied softly, kissing her head before following suit and slipping into a peaceful slumber.


giggled so much while writing this guys omg, i love nanase so much 🫶🏼

but like fr teehee i was kicking my feet and blushing 🤭

i've had this idea for a one shot in my head for forever.

i thought of it after a power outage happened 😭

anyways yeah my delusions have been fed and it's 2 am so i'm gonna conk out now ‼️

byebye 🫶🏼

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