41 . Surprise.

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The next day, Debbie and Danny found themselves alone in the hotel room. Debbie took a deep breath, knowing she had to explain the situation to her daughter in a way that she could understand.

"Hey, Danny," Debbie began, sitting down next to her daughter. "I want to talk to you about something important."

"What is it ?" Danny asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Debbie took a moment to gather her thoughts. "You know how we saw Lou yesterday, and she spent time with us?"

Danny nodded.

"Well, Lou and I used to be very close, and we loved each other very much. But then something happened, and we had to be apart for a long time."

"I know... Lou told me, but why did you have to be apart?"

"It's... complicated, sweetie," Debbie replied. "Sometimes, grown-ups make mistakes, and those mistakes can hurt people. And because of those mistakes, Lou and I had to be apart for a while."

"Lou told me you hurt her, what did you do ?" Danny asked, her eyes searching her mom's face for an answer.

"Yes, I hurt Lou, I made a big mistake, and it hurt her a lot."

"What did you do?"

"I made choices that hurt her feelings and made her sad..."

"But what did you do, Mommy ?

Debbie took a deep breath, realizing that she couldn't avoid the truth any longer. She looked into Danny's eyes, wanting to be honest with her.

"Well... I was with Lou, and one night we had a big fight, and I was sad, so I kissed someone else. And because I kissed him, I had a baby in my belly."

Danny nodded, trying her best to understand. "But when I was with Lou, I wasn't supposed to kiss someone else...You can't kiss someone else when you are in a Relationship, so I was scared because I was pregnant, and I thought Lou didn't want a baby, so I ran away without telling her, and then you were born. Do you understand ?"

Danny listened attentively to her mom's explanation, trying her best to comprehend the complex situation. "So you kissed someone else because you were sad, and then you had me in your belly?" she asked, her young mind trying to piece it all together.

Debbie nodded, gently brushing a strand of hair away from Danny's face. "Yes, sweetheart, that's right, I made a mistake, but it's the best mistake I made because, you came into the world. I've never regretted having you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you more than anything. The mistake was to run away..."

Danny looked up at her mom. "Did Lou knew about me?"

Debbie's heart ached at the question, knowing that she had kept Danny a secret from Lou for far too long. "No, she didn't," she admitted. "And that's why she's angry at me."

Danny nodded, absorbing the information. "But why didn't you tell her?" she asked, looking genuinely curious.

Debbie took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I was scared, Danny," she said softly. "I was scared that if I told Lou about you, she would be angry with me and wouldn't want to be with me anymore. I didn't want to hurt her, and I thought that keeping you a secret was the best thing to do at the time."

Danny frowned, trying to understand her mom's feelings. "But Mommy, keeping secrets is bad, right?" she asked.

Debbie nodded, feeling a pang of guilt in her heart. "Yes, you're right, sweetheart," she replied. "Keeping secrets can hurt people, and it's not a good thing to do. I should have been honest with Lou from the beginning, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell her about you."

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