Chapter 54

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‘My voice?’

Aria belatedly covered her mouth and looked into Lloyd’s eyes.

She had done it without thinking at all, but when she was about to wait for his reaction, she was terrified.

‘You deserve to be angry.’

Aria was determined not to be hurt no matter what kind of abusive language she heard.

Although it didn’t have much of an effect.


Aria closed her eyes tightly at Lloyd’s call.

“What is it?”

The boy wrapped his hand around her cheek and pulled her closer. To keep her from turning away and avoiding his gaze.

Lloyd’s face was right in front of her. Until his breath touches her.

“… Siren?”

A minority race that puts magic into songs, Siren. At one time, it was treated as a legendary ghost, but known outside the world as the Cortez family.

“It’s you…”

Lloyd covered his mouth and muttered again.

“It was you.”

The one who cured his mother’s disease.

“But, how have you been able to hide your voice until now?”


“Count Cortez doesn’t know anything. Otherwise, he won’t sell you to Valentine.”

Aria knew that he, of course, would blame herself.

‘Have you lied to me all this time? How could you deceive me like that?’

She thought he would say so.

But, far from expelling her out of the Grand Duke’s castle for deceiving him, Lloyd was saying a completely different thing.

‘I …….I think you’re worried for me.’

Aria blankly blinked her eyes.

“If the Count has a daughter who has inherited the Siren’s powers, there’s no way he can let you go. It’s obvious that they’ll pursue you to the ends of the world and try to arrest you.”

Because he asked what had happened without rebuking Aria. She had no choice but to explain her circumstances in a slow voice.

“Since I was born, I’ve been drinking the potion my mother gave me. When I drink it, I can’t make a sound…”

Aria’s mother hid her daughter’s Siren abilities in order to protect her daughter, and the Count, who felt ashamed of it, hid her existence.

So she’s been living as a ghost.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of such a potion. Is there any left?”

Aria shook her head.

“Any potion is bound to have side effects. If you thought of anything, tell me.”

“I don’t know. I just drank steadily what my mother gave me.”

She actually knew what ingredients went into potions.

Sophia was knowledgeable about the miscellaneous medicinal herbs and gave Aria her knowledge, albeit briefly.

‘But if I reveal it in detail, it will only come out that my current condition is nothing more than time-limited.’

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