Chapter 188

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It was just before exiting the cave. They had to cross the vine bridge again.

Aria was crossing the bridge in Lloyd’s arms without any warning.

And it was then.

Again, a strange sound came from under the bridge.

‘Aren’t they all dead?’

It was a distinctly different sound from when they came in droves.

Unlike earlier, when small sounds close to gnawing came at the same time, it was such a huge sound that they could feel the thumping and shaking of the ground.

Surprised, Aria hurriedly grabbed Lloyd’s wrist and said.

“Be careful. It looks like it’s one, but it feels different than ever.”

She doesn’t know if it’s an animal, an insect, or a monster.

“I’m sick of it.”

Tsk, Lloyd clicked his tongue lightly and raised his sword.

Even though Aria didn’t warn him, he too felt it through his senses. When he raised the sword and tried to swing it, Aria saw the form for the first time.

It was a black lump with a grotesque appearance, in which all elements of the body were distorted.

Eyes, nose, and mouth. both arms and legs.


The appearance was shocking. If someone had a weak stomach, they would have vomited.

It was a feeling similar to what she had felt when she first discovered God, who had become a tentacle monster. It’s so bizarre that it’s hard to believe that it was a creature that exists in this world.

When she sees that, her insides churn and her eyes tingle…… It was such a strange feeling to even say she felt anxious.

“Lloyd, wait…”

Aria stopped him with an urgent voice. As a result, the sword did not cut the creature in half at once like before, and missed at an angle.


Unfortunately, it seemed that he could not avoid a vital point.

The living creature, like a dying insect, managed to climb up the cliff. And then it stopped moving completely.

It is dead.

“Was that important?”

Lloyd asked, perhaps surprised when she dissuaded him. He had doubt and concern on his face.

“…no, nothing.”

It was already dead. Aria looked at the motionless creature in vain, but she soon gave up. She had no knack for bringing the dead back to life.

“The tentacle monster was God after all. Then I thought that this monster might have been something else.”

Thinking about it, isn’t it rather strange that a monster is guarding the sleeping God?

Then Lloyd, who heard her words, belatedly remembered something.

“Come to think of it, in the legend of the ice flower, they said that there is the flower’s guardian.”

Aria remembered too.

If the ‘flower’ here is ‘the sleeping God’. That monster could have originally been God’s guardian.

“But, isn’t it too weak to be called God’s guardian?”

“You said that when God lost all the feelings, God forgot even its own existence.”

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