"Never come back..."

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English version

After the battle with Jun Wu, Hua Cheng was fading little by little, his clothes were transparent, revealing what was on the other side of his body. Xie Lian had started to despair.

"San Lang! What's going on?" He asked as his eyes filled with tears.

"I'll take a break, Gege...I don't know if I'll be able to come back for you this time, I'm sorry." Hearing this, Xie Lian couldn't help but her tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"What do you mean by that?! You can't go, you can't leave me alone! You promised..."

Saying this, Hua Cheng placed his hands on Xie Lian's cheeks, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Xie Lian's cheeks flushed red, but he was worried about Hua Cheng, so he was stunned without saying a word.

Hua Cheng gave a small laugh "I always wanted to be with you, but now that we're both together... I'll have to go, don't feel sad about this, it had to happen at some point."

"But I didn't want this to be so soon! It's already been twice... twice! I don't want there to be a third..."

"Your Highness, dying in battle for you is my greatest honor."

Xie Lian was surprised by this last, that sentence again...

"But I love you San Lang!-"

"Then... please let me go." Hua Cheng smiled "But... I love you too Gege."

"No... no... no, no, no, no! San Lang!"

Xie Lian rushed towards Hua Cheng in order to hug him, but before he could touch him, the red-robed youth turned into beautiful silver butterflies and flew away.

Xie Lian hurried to check his middle finger but was stunned, that red thread that linked them was no longer there.

Not seeing it, Xie Lian burst into tears.

"No... No!... SAN LANG!!!"

Hua Cheng died for the third time.

His beloved died.

And this time definitely.

Months passed, and Xie Lian began to lose faith, Hua Cheng did not return.

After a year passed, there was no sign of Hua Cheng, Xie Lian began to cry every night blaming himself for not protecting his beloved's ashes well.

"San Lang...forgive me, it's my fault, I should have protected your ashes better, I don't deserve your love..."

Hua Cheng never came back, Xie Lian was no longer the same since Hua Cheng left.

"Gege...forgive me, I'm really sorry."

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