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THE BLONDE ANGEL LET A, few minutes pass by, but the female was still nervous even though she calmed down a little, and her angel could tell. He didn't like that because he only wanted her to feel comfortable with him, so he just thought there would be no harm in sending comforting and reassuring words her way just so that she could atleast see that he was nothing to be worried about. He only wanted to protect her and grow close with her, so it hurt him to see her so scared all because of him. He never wanted things to be this way between them and he told himself he'd make sure it wouldn't.

"Y/N... It's like I just told you... I'm not here to hurt you!! I.. I'd never hurt you, you should know this because I'm your angel!" He brought himself closer to the woman that continued to drag her body back away from the blonde that stood over her with a sad expression coating his face.

Grimacing at the sight of the angel coming straight for her with his greyish eyes that almost looked like they were about to turn as white as his normal eyes, she bit on her bottom lip with her chest rising, "I- I don't care what the hell you are...! Get out of my house, I don't want you here!!"

"No, no..! Please Y/N! You don't have to be scared of me!!" The angel never thought that he'd be here begging for a human to let him into their heart, but here he was doing that exact thing. It wasn't like he cared if it meant that she would start liking him though.

"G-Get out! You're freaking me out!" The woman's voice began to grow even louder as she winced at the angel that didn't stop making his way towards her. Her heart was sinking with each step he took, and he could tell because he felt every emotion within her.

The angel knew that he was probably being sensitive, but that's just the way he was. His heart burned through his chest just at the thought of the female hating him during their whole time together, "I can't leave you... I can't leave you just yet, alright...?"

Breath hitching at the angel that whined to her with trembling lips, Y/N relaxed against the door for a second with her breaths becoming slower while she tilted her head to the side, "How do I get you to leave then...??"

The man in front of Y/N actually couldn't believe that she wanted him gone so soon. It hurt not only his heart, but every part of him too. He just knew that he was going to have to work hard with this human he'd gotten, "Y/N... Please stop being this way... I'm your angel.."

"So what..? I don't know you! I don't even want you here..!! I didn't ask for any of this shit...!" She clenched her jaw while she furrowed her eyebrows, noticing the look of shock and sadness that mixed together over the angels ethereal features.

He didn't know how he was going to try to get Y/N to grow more used to him, "Listen, Y/N... You need to quit it with being mean!"

"Being mean?? Me? No, you're being mean! You just show up to my home!! I thought you were some serial killer that was out to get me! That's not cool at all! That's.. that's not nice at all! You freaked me the fuck out!" The angel continued to wince at the curse words that exploded out of her mouth, but he kept telling himself that was something humans did everyday, so he calmed himself down.

"Y/N.. s-stop with the cursing... It's unladylike and it's very disrespectful to say those type of things with the presence of an angel around..." He breathed out, fluttering his eyes shut so he wouldn't face the female that only looked off to the side, a small lump of embarrassment growing through her stomach.

Rolling her E/C eyes that stayed on the other side of the room so she couldn't looked the angel in his grey eyes, that's when she tried to laugh it out to make it seem like she wasn't slight triggered by the words that came her way, "U-Unladlylike..? God.. you're so annoying already..."

"I know you may find me annoying now, but I promise you Y/N... We will be so much more closer..."

Y/N tensed up at what the angel had just told her, and she didn't know why but there was a different set of air that began to set between both her and the angel, but it seemed like only she could tell since he didn't say anything to mention it at all.

"And you know what I mean by unladylike.. it's like how.. men are most likely the ones that turn to violence when mad, how they're usually the ones that curse when they're frustrated.. or.. how they're just always the firsts to blow up in anger or something... That's why it shocks me when a woman is that way.. Because it's unladylike..."

The woman in front of him really didn't know why her angel felt the need to explain it all to her because she knew very well what he meant, "Whatever. Just.. tell me what you're doing here...!"

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