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THE E/C EYED TEEN WAS NOT, able to sleep with the glowing man that stood in her corner, his entire body sparkling as he whispered to himself and hummed a few tunes, his eyes not peeling away from the female that silently tucked herself into her bed. She just wanted to scream right then and there, but she couldn't because she didn't want to make any noises, she didn't want the angel to whine to her, and she really didn't want to be punished by the gods above. That was actually the one thing that stuck to the back of her mind.

"Hey, ummm... Raziel..?" She whispered out from her cozy bed, watching the way the glowing boys eyes widened with a large grin that formed on his lip by the sound of his name coming out of the woman that was only trying to get a goods night sleep. She just hoped she wouldn't say anything too harsh to him because she could already tell he was the sensitive type.

"Yeah Y/N...?" He whispered back to the female that clenched her jaw once she saw that he was coming close to her, causing the light that surrounded him to shine even brighter with each step he took towards her. She didn't even want to scream at this point, she wanted to bang her head against her wall until she bled because she was that annoyed by the angel.

Perking out her lip while an annoyed expression overcame her beautiful features, Y/N turned her head to the side and prepared herself for what it was that she was about to say right to the innocent man's face, "Can you get out??"

The angel gasped at the straightforwardness that came from the H/C haired woman that wanted nothing to do with him at the moment, but before he could whine to her and say anything, he heard the sound of her voice beating him before he could say anything to her.

"Not in a mean way, but... Your light.. it's so.. bright and I cannot focus on going to sleep.." she rolled her E/C eyes as she pushed the blanket that laid over her body back up to her chest, listening to the ah sound that left pad the angels soft lips as he only made his way closer to her.

The boy sent Y/N an understanding look while he took even more steps over to her, watching as she pushed the blanket up so that it was covering her eyes, "Ohhh! I see... but, I can't be away from you at night... I need to make sure that you're alright.."

Once those words were processed by the E/C eyes female, that's when the angel standing right above her saw her whip that blanket away from her eyes that had a glint of anger and irritation through them, immediately catching the blondes attention, "What..?! You can't just... stand behind the door or something? You have to watch everything I do...??"

All Raziel could do was nod his head up and down with his light eyes fluttering shut only to reveal his soft eyelashes, "Yes. If you want, I can just turn the brightness down-"

"If you can do that why didn't you just tell me and do it instead of telling me that you have to be everywhere I am, god!!" She flipped her whole body to the side with a huff before she stuffed her face into her pillows, muffled groans and screeches coming from her as she tried her hardest to tell herself to just hold on with the idiotic blonde.

Gasping at the last word he'd heard by the teen that buried her face in her soft sheets and pillows, he placed a gentle hand against his chest with a frown moving on his mouth, "Hey...! Shhh.. h-he hears you...!"

Y/N stiffened up at the mention of the man above once again, then that's when nothing else was heard from her, so that gained the attention of the beautiful man that pursed his lips in nervousness at her silence because even though he was actually being serious, he didn't want her to fear god.

Pushing his slender fingers together as he tilted his head to the side, the light that surrounded his body getting lower so that the woman could actually see the angel, "Am I bothering you that much...?"

Y/N wanted so badly to just blurt out the word yes, but she didn't want to hurt the males feelings so all she did was pull her face out of her pillows to turn her head to the boy so she could give him an explanation. "No..! No, Raziel... You're not, it's just... I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately, so this... really isn't helping, but I guess... you're gonna be apart of my life from now on, so I better get used to it."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that... is there anything I can do?" He mumbled to the girl that only propped her chin up in the palm of her chin, her E/C eyes turning back into the corner of her room so she could think without the man that was staring into her soul.

After a few more minutes of just thinking to herself, still wondering different ways to just get rid of the beautiful male that was way too sensitive for her just at the beginning, she snapped her eyes back onto him with a bored look filling her eyes, "Hmmmm.. doesn't seem like it. Well, looks like I'm just going to bed!! Night!"

Raziel only pursed his lips as he watched the girl that laid her head back down against her hands, her eyes fluttering shut as she frowned at the stare that was on her. She still felt like she couldn't sleep, but she also didn't know why she expected to just be sleep the second she closed her eyes.

Y/N kept realizing the feeling of the pair of light eyes on her, and that really freaked her out. It was way much more noticeable than an actual humans stare, so that was something she had to take note of as well. These angels were different even though they had human bodies and human faces.

She kept tossing in her laying position, trying to hint to the Angel that she didn't want him looking at her while she tried to fall asleep, but he still wasn't understanding, and all he did was fold his hands together as he stared down at her with hot cheeks and a teeth showing smile plastered over her lips.

It was about time that the teen had enough with Raziel, so she snapped open her eyes and grunted out at the boy that widened his eyes once again, "Would you stop staring at me so hard...?"

"I'm sorry... I-"

"Now I can't sleep...!!"

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