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AFTER A LONG DAY OF HAVING, to deal with a large amount of shitty people, and another large amount of kind people, Y/N was just done with everything. She dragged her feet inside of her home, as usual, except this time she had the blonde coming up from behind her, mirroring her actions as he dragged his own feet along, doing anything to be like her so he could atleast understand where she was coming from sometimes. It wasn't like that was something out of the ordinary for him though, because he always did things like that, just like any other person that enjoyed the presence of someone.

"You barley even spoke to me today! I thought you said you'd try to make time for me.." he mumbled out to the female that just let out a groan, knowing she wouldn't be able to deal with the frowning angel that stopped his walking to stare at her, the ends of his lips pulling further down once he noticed that she didn't spare him a glance as she kept on walking to her room.

The girl didn't even bother taking off her shoes, she just told herself she'd do it the second she went in her room, and that's exactly what she did. She took slow steps before she finally reached the familiar door, her hands making contact with the cold door knob until she twisted it to the side, pushing it open as the warm breeze hit against her soft skin.

Watching as Y/N practically forced the rest of her exhausted figure pass her door, she then kicked off her sneakers, deciding that she'd just tune out the rest of the angels voice because she didn't want him interfering with her sleep like before, only making the boy even more upset, "Hey, Y/N..! Why are you ignoring me..? Did I make you mad or something??"

"No, Raziel. You didn't make me mad... I'm just tired, and I need a break... I need a break from everything..." she puffed out before she collapsed onto her bed, the headache that pounded through her head seeming to die down a little, and it was all because of the feeling of her soft sheet that laid underneath her head.

Raziel completely understood her because sometimes he felt like that, even when he was living his best life at times, so he just nodded her and pulled a sad look in his eyes, "Okay..."

There was a muffled thank you that came from the other teen that pulled her covers over her body, trying to make herself comfortable while Raziel just swayed from side to side, keeping his eyes on her while he thought to himself, wondering how he'd get her to crawl even further out of her shell.

Just as Y/N was about to doze off into a deep sleep, the sound of her device ringing was the only thing heard between bother her and the long haired male that perked up at the sound, his eyebrows nearly up to his forehead as he turned his face to her phone that had sound coming from it, "Y/N..! There's somebody calling you!!"

"I can hear, Raziel..! Just let it ring, people shouldn't expect shit from me at these hours.." she whipped her head towards the man, showing him her now narrowed E/C eyes as she hissed out to him, making sure he didn't do anything.

Parting his mouth to speak, Raziel then pursed them, deciding that he wouldn't say anything because he didn't want her to be even more irritated with him.

After the teen was sure that he wouldn't do anything to mess up her sleep, she turned herself back around, her head resting against her arms that stacked on eachother before she fluttered her E/C eyes shut, finally ready to fall asleep.

The angel behind her saw her body finally going limp as she was almost asleep, but then out of nowhere, the sound of her phone ringing boomed through her warm room, gaining the twos attention once again, "Y-Y/N... someone's calling you again-"

"Just let it ring!!" She whisper yelled to the boy before she delve her face deeper into her arms, her jaw clenching as she did so.

Turning his light eyes towards her device, the man's breath hitched at what he was seeing. It was her mother calling her at this time of night, and that kind of confused him, but he just thought it'd be best to let the woman know that it was her mother and not just some random friend she had, "Y/N... it's your mom calling.. maybe you should answer it..??"

Y/N allowed her eyes to shoot open while her body tensed up, knowing what happened between her and her own mother long ago, "What..? It's.. my mom? What is she doing calling me...?"

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