Chapter 5

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How many times—is he gonna see this lady?

Some time had gone by and he had seen her at-least once each day. Even bumped into her again
while he was exiting work. It was like life was throwing someone at him and he wasn't taking the hint.

To make matters worse maybe for the better, she ignored him each time. He couldn't blame her cause it seemed like they were basically stalking each-other seeing as they bumped into each-other more times they could count.


This morning he was sitting alone in a diner waiting for his breakfast. Staring endlessly into space as he heard the bell above the entrance for the umpteenth time.

Miguel was in earshot of the door so he furrowed his eyebrows at the familiar voice.

'Sorry— it's about a ten to thirty minute wait.'

'Damn I-'

Miguel was sitting in a booth at the time and he unintentionally turned his head at the situation and his eyes rose to meet hers. Out of the corner of her eye she had seemed to notice him as well.
He didn't know what it was but as soon as she had turned her head to look directly at him with full face. He winked at her.

The waitress who had been talking to her had taken notice and walked over with her to him.

"Sir, is she with you?"

Impulsively he said yes, immediately. Almost too quickly.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief as the waitress allowed her to sit in the booth with him and went to go get her some utensils and a glass of water.

"Thank you so much!!!!" She whispered to him excitedly.He chuckled and smiled back at her. "You're most certainly welcome." He replied formally. Then they just sat there in awkward silence for awhile as the waitress came back to take her order.


You sat awkwardly across the table from this behemoth of a man. Low and behold he was such a tall and jacked man. Not to mention handsome in the face.

In the past you just ignored him. Especially after that shameful situation in your bedroom. You knew he'd never find out but it was awkward knowing you had masturbated to this man's face. You couldn't help it though I mean who wouldn't fall in love with this..guy that you keep randomly seeing as the weeks go by.

You cleared your throat and seemingly grabbed his attention.

"What's your name?"

You asked— his eyes narrowed at your twitching mouth and immediately your first thought was that he took offense and you were getting ready to take back the question.

"Miguel- Miguel O'Hara" you could tell you thought about it for a moment because he seemed unsure about telling you. Doubling down and fixing his eyes directly on her's defiantly signaled that was waiting on you to say something. And you did.

"That's a nice name Miguel, I am ....... Wait! Could I-I mean should in call you! No it's can I! Can I call you-" You continued to fumble on your words and mentally wandering he interrupted you with an amused expression.

"Yes, just Miguel is fine. No need to over think it~" He winked again. And you could feel the tingle again. Oh that tingle. It was like he was feeding off your overthinking energy which you were famously known for by friends and family alike.

"What do you do?" He asked calmly. You focused back on to him. Wondering if you should lie to look impressive or tell the truth and seem like some sort of bragging hoarder. Spoil alert, you didn't choose the latter. "I'm- I'm a designer-?" You sounded unsure and so he promptly asked you.

"Are you really?" Miguel could probably tell you were lying. He leaned forward intrigued to hear your real answer. How do you sound unsure about your job occupation? So you took a deep breath and just sighed - "No." You know you don't need to tell me anything if you don't want too, I know we are just strangers but—"

"I'm a babysitter" you blurted out. You had never had someone make excuses for you to lie and so you felt to make the situation less awkward you'd just say it.

"Oh- well that's not bad, I'm a geneticist." "Thank you.." you replied in a low tone. He could probably feel the shame coming off of you from the way your tone drastically changed.

You then felt a large mass on top of your hand. It was warm—looking over it's his hand. "Listen — seriously it's not that bad and if you like it- you like it. It's what's for you, I'm not gonna judge you." He spoke calmly and clearly. To you he spoke with a sexy deep voice and initiated some sort of physical affection to try and make you comfortable. Another spoil alert, it was working.

Your heart melted at his kindness. "Thank you!" All of a sudden you were pipped up again.


Miguel and the woman let the morning waste away as it was filled with chatter and questions. It was a socially-silent agreement that they both very much enjoyed each others company that morning. It felt like after that they had known each other for years after this moment.

He had to admit—he wanted to see her again. It was nearing 12pm and he was beyond late to work but he couldn't bring himself to care. He let his boss know eventually he had an 'issue' this morning and eventually said he couldn't come in today.

Besides— breakfast turned into a walk in the park, that turned into getting ice cream leading to lunch, and then early dinner.

"Hey Miguel?" He replied with a hum. "I had fun today." She said and gave him her brightest smile. He couldn't help but feel compelled to smile back. 

" I did too-" "May I have your number?" He smirked playfully at her —" Such a spark of bravery, but yeah sure."

Miguel had to admit he got a kick out of messing with her for the first time. Her reactions were cute, funny and overall just made her a great person be around. He wished he had let in this sort of companion back in those days while he worked in the Spider-Society. It was a connection like no other he ever had.

And he was excited to explore it in full depth.


𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now