Chapter 6

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A connection like no other, she was the light at the end of the tunnel.

He was back at the spider-society again. This time— what torture awaited him. His body infamously recalls the exhaust.

Even in the last moments. The pressure as relief lingered over his shoulder. The feeling of walking out carrying his things. All eyes were on him as he was guarded on all sides.

So many eyes, two to each human and hundreds of spider people in the room. He was approached by Parker B.

"Your a monster." He stood firm. Miguel didn't even attempt to retaliate. He already knew. "You are a waste of this community. How could you do this, to a kid. Now your selfishly abandoning us."

What he was afraid of, of them finding out the real reason he had given up so easily. They probably all assumed he had a plan or it was his pride. But here, here they knew his true intentions, and it scared him.

It scared him to know that they knew. Cause if they new his real intentions they'd take away his new life. Everybody in his new life would know what he had done. What he had forced others to sacrifice for his bullshit theory that never proved a god damn thing. Except for the fact that he was wrong, he was the monster, he was the real villain and all they had to do was he rid of him and all this shit would be over.

The real question being— how would they get rid of him.

He could remember vivid nightmares of how he'd die and he'd be sentenced to judgement in the after life.

He'd turn around and a gun was pressed to the back of his head.

He'd wake up and a hand was forever tightening around his throat.

He'd wake up one morning and decided- he didn't wanna live anymore. Was it worth it if hundreds of people wanted you dead because they were forced to sacrifice what they love on the contrary that the person who dictates the sacrifices is right?

He felt like he was drowning. Like the water was just squeezing in on him and the pressure was too much for him to handle.


Miguel woke up in a cold sweat.  His bare chest was rising and falling as he quickly tried to unravel the sheets around him to reduce his bodily heat. It almost seemed like nothing was taking affect as he stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the sink faucet. He threw water on his face.

And just like that, the nightmare was over.

He'd been having these nightmares for awhile now. Especially after be-friending that woman. He shook the thought that they weren't meant to be friends cause they most definitely were. They had a whole lot in common and it was like their personalities just clicked. Like water to a fire they just cancelled each-other out.

Every-time he saw her it's like the world lit up.

After that first day. They kept seeing each other but this time, intentionally. Every other day they went out with eachother just on friendly outings. Some days he'd be with her and her friends and other times they'd have a full day planned together on a weekend.

One time she had even slept over at his apartment after clubbing a bit to hard on a Monday evening.

It was like they were meant to be. But these Increasing nightmares were starting to frighten him. A little to much for Miguel's liking.


"Oi! Miguelito! Qué pasa?" She interrupted his thoughts again. Back his nightmares. "Nothing Chica~" he sighed and drifted his eyes back to her. "Yes there is— your face is dropping, you don't have to tell me but you seem deep in thought today." She noted.

Today they're were sitting in a park drinking smoothies and just talking like normal friends do.

"Nightmares" He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Damn- are they often?" "Yeah- every other night and then some-sometimes." He still hadn't talked to her about his past. Just that he had been in the streets for awhile a couple of years back but he's stable now.

"You know therapy could help with those." "Hm? Therapy." "Yeah- after something's in my family occurred in my family. I needed to talk to someone- I didn't really like being alone much after some incidents. So I'd talk and talk and talk to her. Cause she was the only one who'd listen."
She chuckled half heartedly. They both ceased conversation and just allowed the breeze to sweep them away in silence.

The scenery was beautiful and it was just so calming. He peered down at her to see if she was enjoying it just as much as he was. Instead her eyes were on him too. The way they looked at each-other now was different when he had first seen her in that restaurant. Her desperate eyes from them turned into the calm, curious and collected ones now.

They were just brighter, more comforting in a sense. He was glad he had gotten to know her.


He couldn't breathe again and it was like his back was against the wall.  It's like they wanted him in the wall.

He had no where else to go.

'Worthless boy'

"Your a monster!"

"All this for nothing!"

Suffering, suffering it goes round and round on a go cart. It could be the greatest motivation or the worst feeling to ever experience while living.

His suffering took his air, took his common sense, took his sense of reality, or was it that Spider-Society he was apart of? Had that done this?

No, you can't blame everyone else for you being insane. Was it perhaps if they didn't have the answer to your problems then they weren't apart of the problem? Or was it perhaps deep down inside he was still looking for some excuse and he had yet to dig one up.

Rule of thumb, being an creator means to have an idea. An idea can belong to many, be acted on by many but only executed with maximum efficiency by few maybe even one .

To execute with maximum efficiency, one must have a beginning, middle and end. If the one who has executed such an act is no longer acting and the idea is kept on course by a copy- how were they to finish what the one brave soul has acted upon, when you know nothing of the original act? You cannot be the original and that would be the downfall of many.


𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now