That's New..

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/A typical day where Buck doesn't sleep usually started with a night AND morning free of Alastor while he was away tending to his Radio Tower\

Buck usually worked on her own projects, especially with geography and cartography or something similar ever since her "Ergebnisveränderer," OutcomeChanger, became extremely damaged during a fight she and Alastor had a few months back..

She hadn't been able to finish repairing it without specific parts she usually got from making deals with naive humans, where they would go fetch the parts for her.

But without her device, she couldn't do anything to find those parts, or the humans to fetch them.

Alastor had said he would get the parts for her, but that was only shortly after he damaged Buck's OutcomeChanger..

/Buck stood in her usual work area, in front of multiple different holographic screens that seemed to be projecting frozen images of maps 24/7 without the OutcomeChanger.

She was observing only one of the maps. Of Berlin, Germany.

At least until something got knocked off of a table causing an instant 180 degree turn of Buck's head so she could see directly behind her.

The cracking sound in her neck was so unnerving that it spooked the small shadow husky that had been on the table behind her before it wobbled back into a shadow, disappearing\

Buck: wuss.. v-v

/She muttered, looking back at the map of Berlin\

World war 2 was the main thing going on at the time, as conflicts were all over Europe, especially Germany.(Don't patronize me, I'm not a historian)

But Buck wasn't worried about that, and instead paid more attention to Berlin.

/Though Alastor eventually popped up behind Buck out of her shadow, putting a hand on her shoulder as he came around to her side to look her in the eye\

Alastor: staring at fake "picture shows" again are we?

Buck: =-= because you haven't gotten the parts you said you'd get for me..

/She explained, reminding him about it for about the 6th time because he had mentioned it again\

Alastor: hmm- I don't think I said that!

/He said with a chuckle, readjusting his monocle.

But that's when Buck's voice sounded slightly glitchy and static-like for a moment before she spoke in Alastor's voice\

Buck: be a dear and don't worry about it! I'll get you the parts as an apology for maiming your little "anachronismal" device..

/Alastor and Buck both exchanged slight glares as Alastor just let go of Buck's shoulder, and held his cane in that hand instead, after making it appear of course\

Those were Alastor's exact words, literally. And it was intriguing to him of how great of a memory Buck had when it came to mimicking his voice, specifically for the sole purpose of calling him out or attempting to insult him.

Alastor: I stand by what I said. T^T

/He smirked, leaning forwards on his cane\

Buck: which part =-=

/She growled\

Alastor: Well it would be a lie if I said "not having said any of that.."

/He smirked while Buck seemed to expect him to say something else\

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