- chapter 34 <> i like it here. -

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this is the chapter for the month of December!! Love u all, thank you for 30k reads.

ZARA WALKED INTO HER CLOSET and chose a very warm outfit, she rolled her eyes and muttered,

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ZARA WALKED INTO HER CLOSET and chose a very warm outfit, she rolled her eyes and muttered,

"Why does Romania have to be so cold.."

She chose warm leggings and out sweatpants over them. She chose a shirt, a sweater, and a warm one to put on top. She exited her room and ran downstairs to have her breakfast with her dad, her stepmom, and some of the maids.

"So, how'd you sleep, hon?" Asked her dad.

"Good. Besides the fact it was so cold.."

"Honey I'm sorry. We're working on fixing the heater. I don't know why those stupid mechanics aren't hurrying."

"Dad they're trying." She said rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Darling.. tell her what we discussed last night." Mumbled her step mom

"Oh Zara. Me and your.. step mother we're talking about brining your friends over to Romania for a little while. Just so you're not lonely. Everything paid."

"It's already cold in Germany daddy, I don't think they'll love it here." She laughed.

"We'll have the heater up and running by the time they arrive."

"Why do you want them to come so badly?" She smiled.

"I want to meet these friends of yours. I need to know if they are good enough for my daughter."

"Enough dad. They are just fine for me." She said looking at him.

"If you say so."

"Alright, I'm gonna go call my friends.." she laughed

" I kinda like it here.." admitted Zara to her friends on her laptop.

"So your staying forever ?" Mumbled Tom

"Noo.. but I'm saying I love it here. It would be amazing to live in a house this big on a regular basis. But it's so cold. Dad told me January is the coldest month, temperatures reach up to -1.5°C !! Which by the way, is 29°F." She said, throwing her head back.

"That sucks."

"I honestly think I should visit him more often, even though he's done so many wrong things, it seems as if he really does miss his daughter, for example; a day after I got here, he took me shopping and let me spend however much money I wanted."


"And he said he wants to bring you guys here to meet you."

"I'm down." Smirked Tom

"No! You don't wanna meet him, he's sweet to the people he loves. But not to strangers, especially my friends."

"Never mind then." He mumbled leaning back into the sofa.

"miss Zara?" Asked Emma

"You have a maid?!" Yelled gustav

"Yes emma?" Said Zara, putting up the middle finger to the laptop

"Your father wanted me to tell you to consider that offer that he gave you at dinner, you know, about your friends." She smiled, before leaving.


"Yea, consider it Zara!" Smiled Clara

"You guys do not wanna come here. Plus, no offense but I came here to have a vacation. Not to get laid by Tom, again. Or waste more money on purses, which are very small! Or to be gustav's emotional pretty girl! He always gets his snot on my sweater! Not offense gustav."

" but we really wanna see the house!" Smiled georg

"Georg since I adore your smile, I'll go outside and show you!" She smiled, getting out of bed and running downstairs.

"Zara, where are you going darling?" Said Zara's dad in Romanian

"I'm just going outside daddy." She smiled, opening the door.

"Don't leave the door opened for too long. "

"I won't!" She said before closing the huge front door.

"You call him daddy?" Asked bill

"Doesn't every spoiled rich girl with a huge house call her dad daddy? Or atleast they do in the movies."

"Right.. okay."

"Are you guys ready?" She said biting her lip.

"Hell yea!" Said tom rubbing his hands together in excitement

"Okay.. frick it's cold." Said Zara, running far enough away from the house so it would fit in the screen .

"Okay, don't go insane!" Said Zara, placing her laptop on a bench, angling it to face the huge house.

"Okay." She said taking her hand off of the camera

Zara head her friends scream as she posed infront of the house. She even heard georg mumble some cuss words in German as she squinted his eyes to see if it was real.

"Okay you guys saw the house." She said running back to the laptop out of breath.

"Zara ! Baby come back inside it's cold! I don't want you to get sick!" Said Zara's step mom

"Zara I have one more question." Said Tom

"What is it. " said Zara walking slowly to the house

"Is your mom hot?"

"First you screw me, and now your gonna screw my mom?" She laughed

"Depends, is she hot?"

"You guys .. " mumbled bill.

"Bye billy I love you" said Zara quickly, hanging up and closing her laptop as she entered the house.

"Why were you outside?" Asked her dad

"My friends asked to see the house, they aren't used to such a huge house dad."

"Zara when you leave, you are gonna come back occasionally, right?" He said rubbing his forehead.

"You have done so many wrong things but I love you, and your money dad, so yes, I will be coming back." She said laughing as she walked up the stairs.


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As I finished this chapter CrazyForTokioHotel commented on the last chapter saying they were waiting but pookie you don't gotta wait💋💋

Love y'all

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